Chapter 7: 1st selection

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The exchange that I was currently having with Bachira was strange and uncommon, I was nearly hundred percent sure that if someone were to ask me what was happening right now in this instant I wouldn't be able to answer them, because it was almost as if I wasn't myself and for some bizarre reason I could clearly feel how a unknown factor was presently influencing my state of mind.

An outside intervention was needed for me to fully snap out of this daze which had held me captive for quite a while and I found myself unable to tell with precision for how long, as my gaze nervously wandered around in search for something that could drive away my ongoing state of confusion.

"The results of the fitness test are out. All players please return to your rooms and confirm your latest ranking.", a clear and noble female voice followed the former bell like tone, which had come from the speakers situated right above us, as their strange shapes were visibly hanging from the ceiling.

Giving Bachira a vague answer on wherever or not we should head over together, my now extremely tired but also strained body reluctantly made its way towards the currently empty hallway as my half closed (E/C) eyes ambled around in search for what may or may not be the door which would finally lead me to the restroom.

At last after what seemed to be an eternity of searching yet most likely not even five minutes in reality, I had luckily stubbled across the restroom and was able to perform what I should have done a while ago, but reality isn't always so kind and generous as one may hope it to be.

Time to go back..., not losing any additional time it was relieved that I made my back to where everyone was most likely gathered and yet that was easier said than done, since my extremely bad sense of direction always managed to turn already difficult situations into something much worse than I could handle.

Where am I...?, taking my sweet time to look around and observe my surroundings my line of sight was filled with nothing more and noting less than grey walls and multiple doors which only managed to deepen my already profound despair, op on realising that my legs almost immediately started to walk around aimlessly in search of something that might be the room that I wanted to find.

However, time passed by really slowly and even though I had no clock I could very well tell that about ten minutes had passed and my hope was starting to grow smaller with each second that passed by and out of nowhere an idea suddenly arose from deep within me, automatically my slightly cold hand reached for the pockets which this outfit didn't possess in order to pull out my phone that I didn't own so that I could call Kira who wasn't here.

Oh right... I forgot... No pockets... No phone... And no Kira..., as soon as those recognitions started to really settle in and that all at once it was as though my knees had suddenly gone weak and I rapidly found myself slipping down on the wall which I had been previously leaning on for additional support which had proven to be useless.

There was no need for me to look at the mirror or stare into my reflection to know how truly pathetic my crumbled form must look like and just the mere thought of it was enough to fill me with utter disgust at myself but also at the state in which I had once more recklessly placed myself in.

For some reason at a certain moment I started to feel overwhelmed with pity that was directed at none other than me, without really noticing it my arms had wrapped themselves around my currently hanging legs in order to embrace them and as though tired my forehead carelessly pressed itself against my slightly shaking knees, at that moment I became fully aware of how scared I actually was.

"I was looking for you.", a masculine voice echoed all throughout the empty classroom and yet I was absolutely unable to tell wherever it was directed at me or not, once I slightly moved my head towards the direction from which the sound had come from, my slightly teary eyes widened due to the overwhelming shock that I felt in that moment.

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