Chapter 3: Blue Lock

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This chapter contains a certain amount of violence. Also if you are an Igarashi Gurimu supporter then you have come to the wrong place, my sincerest apologies.

Without much further ado, as soon as we had walked out of the door a bus came to get us and guide us to the Blue Lock facility and yet there was no denying how shaken up my mental state was.

"(N/N)...?", noticing how my current state wasn't normal, Ryo who had been sitting next to me during the whole ride decided to speak up after a small moment of hesitation and naturally intertwine his fingers with mine in a comforting manner.

Making sure that no one was paying attention to us, I hesitantly rested my head on his shoulder in hope that this would somehow reassure his currently worried state, as my thumb slowly caressed the skin of his warm hand.

"I just feel empty for some reason...", my (t/o/v) voice came out in a mere whisper, as I simply didn't have enough strength in me to speak any louder, his formerly worried gaze that observed me from above now held a small hint of confusion to them as he didn't seem to comprehend the full meaning of my past statement.

"As long as you are with me I will be fine...", mumbling this into his slightly tensed up shoulder in an attempt to sooth his soul, my (A/S) arm made it's way around his strong neck, before pulling him close in a warm embrace, which he gladly welcomed by wrapping his arms around my waist.

Very soon we arrived at the facility that the bus had been taking us for the past 20 minutes and unfortunately at our arrival Ryo and I were slit up, leaving me in a more than worried state as I had no notion of wherever or not we would meet again.

A piece of cloth was what they had given me as soon as I had entered the building, my number was 289 Z, what had caught my attention the most was that letter right under to the number that didn't seem to make much sense to me.

At least not until I caught the sight of the doors which all had letters, meaning that they were probably the indicator of how we were being grouped, Interesting...

Out of all the doors, the one that caught my attention was the one with the neon light blue 'Z', which would most likely be my group, yet something held me back from opening the door and very soon my gaze that had been vigilantly observing my surroundings narrowed towards my flat chest, I do have bandages, but I don't want to catch anyone's attention because of that...

Pondering over the matter for a brief moment, I soon came to the conclusion that it might be even stranger if I would walk into the room, wearing the clothes that had just been distributed and if someone would indeed see the bandages wrapped around my chest I could simply blame it on a past injury that hadn't full healed up yet.

Here goes nothing..., a small sigh escaped past my now parted lips, as I readjusted my somehow quirky body position, before slowly starting to walk towards the door with the neon light blue 'Z', before entering the room at once with the piece of cloth in hand.

To my surprise there were already some people reunited in the room, which caused my eyes to widen slightly, before regaining their normal size, among them was a very familiar face that I knew all to well and almost immediately joy consumed my heart, Ryo!

However, he didn't seem to be as happy at seeing me as I was at seeing him, instead his gaze was directed towards the piece of cloth that I had been hold onto since quite some time now with a rather angered expression, which caused me to let out a small chuckle.

I know..., the corners of my lips slowly started to form a sophisticated smile as if to communicate him my message of having already realized what he was currently so angered about, looking around once more I realized that they were all starring at nothing and didn't seem to be all that much bothered by me, so nobody would notice what I had to hide, which Ryo soon realized as well.

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