Chapter 4: Betrayal

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Somebody once said in the world of soccer, you can train 1st rate goal keepers, defenders, as well as midfielders, but strikers are a different read entirely.

How can you tell someone is a 1st rate athlete?

That's easy. They will look for whether soccer is the most intense. Then out of nowhere that's where you find them.

Hesitantly, Ryo assembled the last bit of strength that he had left and slowly got up, while scratching the back of his neck where he had been hit by the ball that Isagi had previously shot at me.

"Isagi...? Why did you do this...?", his voice sounded perplexed a mix of emotions was hear able, bewilderment and sadness were the most present though, as if searching for an answer he directed his golden orbs towards Isagi who was simply standing there looking just as confused as we probably were.

"Sorry... The whole thing is a blur... The ball came at me out of nowhere...", his dark blue orbs looked as though they were completely hollow, it gave me the impression that he was completely out of it and yet his voice wavered ever so slightly as he spoke with an emotion that I couldn't fully comprehend.

"Don't give me that?! You could have gotten him kicked out! He trusted you!", his formerly composed voice broke down in an instant as the anger overtook him, his firm gaze pierced right through Isagi, as if demanding a better answer.

However, before Isagi could give him a reply a clapping echoed throughout the room interrupting their debate, the source of the sound was the monitor where a certain someone watched over us from above with a somewhat mocking grin on his face.

"Well done diamonds in the rough! Only results matter here. You lost Ryosuke Kira and are disqualified. Now lock off loser!", his monotone voice which owned a hint of craziness exclaimed those harsh words demanding Ryo to leave the room at once and say goodbye to both Blue Lock and his chances of entering Japan's U-team.

The big and intrigued eyes of everyone in the room that were previously directed at the monitor were now riveted at Ryo, some might be looking down at him with pity, while others were shocked to learn that he was obliged to leave and that this whole thing wasn't a joke but rather the harsh reality, yet I couldn't find it in me to stare at that handsome face that I loved and instead faced the ground in what seemed to be clear shame.

For a while I was able to hear his raged breath and knew that his lips were most likely parted, quivering in disbelieve, as he firmly held his head high and faced the monitor with the little bit of determination that he had left.

"I can't play with (Y/N) anymore...?", the murmur filled with grief that escaped past his lips caused my eyes to widen a tad bit more, as I finally gathered the courage to look him in the eyes and yet what I saw went beyond the sight that I had been expecting to face, out of his eyes fell tears of sadness which streamed down his cheeks only to land onto the ground.

Very slowly in an almost robotic way, his head turned slightly to look at me and despite the fact that he was clearly crying, as his quiet sobs managed to fill the void in the room, the corners of his lips desperately tried to form a kind smile in order to comfort my current state of clear shock.

His slender hand naturally came to caress my strangely wet cheek, which made me realize that I was crying as well, a million thoughts ran through my head in that very moment, yet none of them were clear enough for me to hold on to, Why did you do it...? Why...? Why...?

"Don't cry (Y/N)... You are to pretty to cry... You look the best when you are smiling...", his shaking voice whispered so softly that only I could hear his attempt at calming me down, but his kind words only caused my grief to become deeper, since the tears that ran down his cheeks reminded me of what was happening.

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