The Core

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To begin the start of this new story begins with some action. A bank gets robbed by four robbers. All of them rocking AK47s, and ready to pull the trigger when needed. They put them on everyone's head. Making them cry, and beg for their lives. "That's right. Cry all you want. It's not going to save you. That is until YOU FILL UP FASTER!" The lead robber yelled. "I'm filling as fast as I possibly can?" Woman replied. "FILL IT FASTER!!!" The last robber yelled. The woman keeps filling, but she is still doing it too slowly. It makes the lead robber sigh. "Hey, guys. You want to see what happens to those, who can't do their job right? This happens." The lead robber said. He then puts his AK to the woman's head and starts filling it with lead. Making brain bits, and blood fly all over the ceiling. It makes everyone scream, and shout in horror. The lead robber laughs. "Now, let me show you how to fill up money fast. And I'll do it, with a corpse by my side to show how I can do any job, despite the circumstances." The lead robber said. He hops over the counter and starts filling up bags of cash. Soon, he throws one bag over. And another quickly after that. And another after that. Until all the money is filled up. "There. Ten bags in thirty seconds. Let's move." The lead robber said. That's when a ball rolls into the bank. Rolls right in front of all the money. "Huh? Cool ball." Robber said. That ball then explodes and smokes the entire place. Blinding everyone. "Don't let this excuse get us. Keep your guard up boys." The lead robber said. The robs all point their guns in the smoke. Getting ready to fire when needed. All of a sudden, after some time of silence, one robber gets pulled away. The other two point their guns but see no one. Then, another one gets pulled away. The other crook starts to fire his gun, which ends with him shooting about two people, as well as the lead robber. The leader falls to the ground screaming. "Boss!" Robber yelled as he ran over to his boss. The leader then kicks the robber in the knee. "You idiot! Don't fire, until it's clear!" The lead robber yelled. That's when the smoke finally settles. The two other robbers look and then gasp. They see their buddies all tied up from a rombo, and Eagle holding them up. Alongside Black Feather, and Silver Talon. "Afternoon, boys." Eagle said. "I should have known. Waste them!" The lead robber yelled. They fire at them, so the three disburse. They run off, dodging the bullets. Black Feather then throws his handheld scythe and takes out both AKs. Then Silver Talon jumps off the wall and kicks the leader in the face. The leader then pulls out a knife and slashes Black Feather in the leg. While it doesn't damage him, he does feel the pain. Giving the leader the chance to run away with some bags of cash. "Boss! Wait!" Robber yelled. "Sorry, bro. Got to do what you got to do to get what you want." Lead robber replied as he ran off. He gets into his van, and floors it. "Let him run. He's falling right into our place." Eagle said as she tied up the last robber. The leader robber floors it, and laughs with all his money. "Ohh, man. I have enough to buy that house I've always wanted. No woman would want to resist me now." The lead robber said as he laughed. Soon, he hears thunderbolts. He looks out his window, and he sees more enemies. Lightwing, Uncanny Valley, Brother Bear being carried by Uncanny and Wild Waves. "[sighs]. Life is never easy. Then again, the adrenaline rush does feel good." The lead robber said. He floors it even more, as Lightwing makes her attack. Sending down thunderbolts to fry the wheels. The robber drives his car out of control to avoid the shocks. Giving Uncanny and Brother Bear the chance to attack. She drops Brother Bear on the roof, and he uses his tomahawk to put a hole in the roof. "Oh come on! I just got her cleaned!" Lead Robber yelled. He drives out of control to get Brother Bear off. He holds on tight, as he embraces the chaos of this ride. That's when Wild Waves joins in on the fun. He jumps on the roof and goes to stab a tire, but the robber turns, making him fall off. He screams, but Uncanny grabs him. As for Brother Bear, he stays on. That is until a sign smacks him in the face and makes him fall to the ground. He is assisted by Lightwing and the others. They watch as the lead robber laughs getting away. "Word to wise. Never seat yourself on the roof of a car. You got to focus on the signs life gives you." The lead robber said. As he sits there all happy, he turns on the radio to hear some jams, as he drives. It's all good for him. He's got the dub. The win. But then, he is too distracted to see a figure slowly rise from the backseat. Lurking over him. The figure gets closer, and closer to the lead robber. Once close enough, the lead robber starts la-la-la and goes silent when he hears the breathing. He then immediately turns around and finds Moon Fang. "Oh, hi." Moon Fang said. He then presses into the robber's wound, making him scream. His van moves out of control again and ultimately flips into the air. Moon Fang grabs the guy and escapes with him. The van keeps flying and is about to hit a woman and her kids, but Uncanny grabs the van last second. The woman and kids open their eyes, and see they are saved. Uncanny puts the van down. "As you were, fellow citizens." Uncanny Valley said. Moon Fang drops the robber, who is then confronted by all the heroes. Plus Wood Scraper.  "Uh, hey guys.  How... are you?"  The lead robber asked.  "You seem tired.  You could use some rest.  Slumber."  Brother Bear replied as he used his powers.  He puts the leader to sleep and passes out in the Moon Fang's hands.  "And just like that, mission accomplished at 100%."  Uncanny Valley said.  All of them high five, and celebrate their success.  "Well done team.  Great use of teamwork.  Wood Scraper, love the smoke bomb.  Black Feather, Silver Talon, great job taking out the crooks.  Lightwing, Uncanny Valley, Brother Bear, Wild Waves.  Awesome job with that car chase.  Especially you Uncanny.  And finally, Moon Fang.  That surprise attack suggestion worked out so well."  Eagle said.  "What can we say?  We're just that good."  Moon Fang replied.  As they all continue to celebrate, Eagle then gets a notification from her rombo.  "Hold on team.  [reads message].  Oh, interesting.  Guys head up.  Recharge your kwamis if needed.  Grandmaster Walker wants to see us all."  Eagle said ominously.

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