Operation: Save Humanity Part 2

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The screams proceed to spread across all of NYC by the killer robots. They all watch as blood gets splatted all over the streets of the city. The most memorable is one person who gets stabbed in the brain, and as blood squirts out, he is then sliced vertically and horizontally. Killing him instantly. "Wait? This wasn't the plan! Why are my robots doing this?" Vic asked surprised. "Guess you had darker intentions, Vic. Guys, let's fight off the pain, and stop these freaks." Eagle ordered. They all agree. They get up and run into battle. Vic goes to stop them, but the AAA fires at him. Angry once more, Vic turns around to face his enemies. As the team runs, Eagle gives them an upgrade. "Liberation. [hits them all with feathers]. United Heroes, we lack enough confidence to win this final battle. I release you from what holds you back." Eagle said. Now the entire team feels motivated and ready to fight. Including Terrace Trencher. The robots then turn their focus to the heroes. "Now my minions, kill the heroes. And bring me their miraculous in return." Essence ordered through a voice chip. The robots all obey. They charge as well. Uncanny Valley headshots three robots killing them instantly. Metal and blood splatted everywhere. Wild Waves then jumps in. He spearfights and then stabs four in the neck. Avoiding a few saw blades as he does. One nearly gets him in the back, but then Sparkles flies in and decapitates the robot. Wild Waves looks at Silver Talon, who smiles at him. Wild Waves smiles back. "Pecker." Wood Scraper said as she used her powers. She creates a machete, which she then uses to take out some of the robot's knees. That still doesn't kill them. Despite no legs, the robots fire assault rifles at her. Nearly shooting her in the face. That's when Soul Sight comes in, and blocks them with her shield. Having Wood Scraper's back. Now comes Moon Fang. He backflips into the air, lands on one robot, and stabs the living life out of him. He then jumps onto another and slits their throat, and then around, where he stabs him down the throat. Black Feather too gets some action with Brother Bear. The two of them chopping and slicing robots left and right. Taking out arms, legs, heads, torsos even. Black Feather even rips one robot's jaw off, after he shoves it down its throat. And Brother Bear's head bashes one to the ground, before stepping on its head. "Peace and love? Not today." Brother Bear said. Now comes Lightwing, who gets a serious upper hand. "Thunderstorm." Lightwing said as she used her powers. She then rains down lighting, and fries every robot in her sight. Making their wires fry up from all that electricity. Once she lands, he puts three talons into one robot's neck, after he tries to buzzsaw her. Once he is down, now comes in Motherbird. She throws her lance right into a robot's skull. She retrieves it, then slits one robot's throat. One other robot slashes her on the back, so she turns around, backhands the female robot, and shoves her lance right into her gut. She then pulls up cutting the robot in half. "Yeah. That's how it's down!" Motherbird yelled. "Say, where is Terrace Trencher?" Eagle asked. They hear him scream. But it isn't in fear this time. Miraculously, he uses his macuahuitl to kill every robot around him. Not showing a single sign of fear one bit. "Uhh, how is he doing that?" Silver Talon asked. "I gave you all a confidence boost, so I guess he isn't a scaredy cat anymore." Eagle replied. "Ok, why didn't we think of that sooner? That was the perfect solution." Silver Talon said. "Meh. We learn from our mistakes." Eagle replied. They go back into battle. Back with the AAA, they fire at, and combat with Vic. He throws them all off to the side and takes bullets like a champ. He then forms his rocket launcher and fires at the soldier. Some escape, but ten get obliterated in the blast. Angry at losing ten of his men, one soldier runs right at Vic. Vic responsibly takes out his buzzsaw and slices his face open. Killing him. He then grabs his metal staff and uses it to stab one soldier in the gut.  Using his electric rebound, he grabs the soldier's faces.  He electrocutes him so much, that his eyes melt out, and his face smokes.  Frying the soldier, then throwing him to the floor. He then spins his staff around to show off, before he charges back to battle. Back with the heroes again, they kick it up a notch. "Whirlpool." Wild Waves said as he used his powers. He then washes twenty robots away, although the robots are waterproof. So they aren't dead until Silver Talon comes in. "Eyes in the Sky." Silver Talon said as he used his powers. Now in control of Sparkles, he controls her and flies right at the robots. Dodging their rockets, he makes her fly right into their heads. Taking one's out, before swopping back in to take out the rest. As he has fun, Black Feather runs to attack but gets a finger knife sliced in the knee. He falls to the ground. Before the robot can finish the job, Motherbird jumps in. "Protect the kids." Motherbird said as she used her powers. She then shields Black Feather and the others. So when he gets slashed, she takes the hit. "Woah! Thanks, Mama." Black Feather said. "Never call me Mama again!" Motherbird yelled. Anyway, Soul Sight gets on the offense, as she bashes the robot's heads open with her shield. She even decapitates one with enough force. The adrenaline makes her get going, as we now see more of Terrace Trencher. "Ok, freaks! Do you want to play dirty, well here you go! Muck!" Terrace Trencher said as he used his powers. Soon, the mud inside his miraculous comes out. All are controlled by Terrace Trencher. The robots all watch in disbelief. "Oh yeah! This is going to be fun!" Terrace Trencher yelled. He then controls his mud to break apart the robot's limbs. Piece by piece, he breaks them as he sends chunks of hard mud at them. One robot tries to get the jump, but he thinks fast. He puts the mud to his hand, creates a spiked fist, and uppercut decapitates the robot. Terrace Trencher then laughs like a madman, as he runs in with his new little toy. "The power to control mud, and make it do whatever you want? Are we sure it's a good idea to give him that power?" Uncanny Valley asked as she blasted one robot. "[stomps on one's chest]. Again, we will learn from our errors if it goes wrong. Let the kid have his fun." Eagle replied. Eagle then gets to shine more, as she sues her rombo to wrap one robot, spin that one around, and use it as a wrecking ball. Taking out several others. All of which Uncanny Valley finishes with her head lasers. That was the very last robot in the entire fight.

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