Operation: Save Humanity Part 1

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We begin inside the abandoned meat warehouse, where all of United Heroez stand.  "So this is Terrace Trencher?"  Eagle asked.  "And that must be Soul Sight."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "Yes.  Honor to meet you guys."  Soul Sight said.  She shakes Uncanny Valley's hand.  "Yeah.  Nice to meet you guys as well."  Terrace Trencher replied.  "Right.  Anyway, discussion.  We have a lot to discuss right now, at this very moment.  That shows how important it is the way I phrased it."  Eagle said.  "Ok.  Well, we will start.  We didn't find The Machinist, but we did find a new hero."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "Alright.  Don't take away the fact you didn't find him."  Eagle said.  "On the contrary, we did find him.  At an orphanage that was burnt to the ground."  Brother Bear replied.  "Jesus.  Did he escape?"  Eagle asked.  "We saw him run away,"  Lightwing replied.  "Gotcha.  Ok, so you did find him, but he ended up getting away.  We'll get him next time.  As for us.  We once again killed the Wilson robot.  Yes, he is a robot for the newbies here.  At the same time, we did find some info that sort of shocked us.  [Moon Fang gets uncomfortable].  But that won't break us apart.  On the plus side, we got this."  Eagle said.  Black Feather and Wild Waves then throw Wilson's corpse to the ground.  "WOAH!  WHAT THE HECK?!"  Terrace Trencher screamed.  "Told you he was a robot.  Anyway, Soul Sight here figured that we dig through this machine to find answers regarding who made him.  Once we find a lead, we will go kick the real mastermind's butt."  Eagle replied.  "Uh, interruption.  Can someone please explain to me, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON IN THIS STORY?!"  Terrace Trencher asked.  "Gladly.  In a nutshell, Wilson Wart was the Crystallized, and now The Machinist attacks.  It is him, let's be real.  However, he wasn't the real mastermind.  Rather, he was a scapegoat for the real villain.  I get it.  It's confusing.  What you need to know is that Wilson looks like the real villain when in reality, he is a "pawn."  But with that robot, we can find out who is really behind all of this.  You got it?"  Eagle asked.  "This hero stuff is weird."  Terrace Trencher replied.  "Ok, enough with the chit-chat.  Let's dissect this dead robot."  Silver Talon said.  "Correction.  It's more like, let's dissect this robot."  Soul Sight replied.  "Shut up, nerd."  Silver Talon said.  They get to work, despite some minor insults.

Now we are with the AAA.  "Valentina!  I am disappointed in you, young lady!"  General yelled.  "Sir, you saw what they did!  They burnt down an entire orphanage, and killed who knows how many kids!  Aren't you upset about that?"  Valentina asked.  "They could have been killed by The Machinist already,"  General replied.  "We didn't know for sure.  We should have gone in there to find out at least.  Do you blow up an entire zone without looking at it first on the battlefield?  Do you have any sense of awareness?"  Valentina asked.  "Watch your tongue, Valentina!  That's an order."  General ordered.  "Yes, sir,"  Valentina said.  "Now, here is what you are going to do.  You will return to your post, return to commanding your team, and you won't leave NYC until that rusty Buckethead is gone for good.  Is that understood?"  General asked.  "But sir,"  Valentina replied.  "When I say understood, you reply with, do I understand, sir!"  General yelled.  "[sighs].  Yes, sir."  Valentina replied.  "Good girl.  I expect the best from you.  Don't screw this up.  Literally and pun intentional."  General said as he turned off his camera.  Valentina then kicks into a wall.  Expressing the rage she felt from yesterday.  She walks outside her little apartment, where Quinn is waiting for her.  "What happened?"  Quinn asked.  "He said, I don't care if we didn't look.  We had the right to burn down that orphanage.  Like, screw you, sir!" Valentina yelled. "What a jerk. And you never met my Dad. He is a super jerk if you ask me." Quinn replied. Soon, a car pulls up on them. Quinn turns around, and goes, "Oh no!" Then, the door opens, and out comes Quinn's Dad. "Quinn, car, now!" Harry yelled. "But Dad," Quinn replied. "Do I need to repeat myself? Car. Now!" Harry yelled. Quinn obeys. "I'll see you soon I guess," Quinn said. "You'll get through this champ. I know you will." Valentina replied. Quinn gets in the car, and after Harry gets in, they drive off. Inside, there is complete silence. With Quinn looking uncomfortable, and Harry looking angry. "I know what you've been doing with this AAA, son. That you've been spending time with this Valentina. Explain?" Harry asked. "I was... I was just getting new friends, Dad. But this one isn't weak like my old ones." Quinn replied. "Is that so? Well then. Why did you say, and I quote, "I hope my Dad gets something coming to him after changing me." [Quinn gasp]. I was there. [in flashback, we see Harry spying on his son]. I thought you changed. You changed into a real man, with real male intentions, and true discipline. All there is that makes you weak are the friends you surround yourself with." Harry said. Quinn stays quiet, but then, this happens. "You know what, Dad? I don't care what you think." Quinn replied. "I'm sorry. Are you my son, or a whiny little wuss?" Harry asked. "I mean it! I'm done being your little ball of perfection. I'm done with you choosing who I become friends with! Jess, Aeon, and all the others are wonderful people, and perhaps the best friends I've always wanted! Valentina is also that case, even if she is in her thirties. So if you have a problem with my friend group, take the tampon out, suck it up, and deal with it!" Quinn yelled. "Is that so? [Quinn gives him an angry look]. Fine then. Then I guess you won't be scared of being forbidden to go outside until you can prove to me you are my son? [Quinn then gasps]. Perhaps then you will learn a little discipline in your life son. And that I know what is best for you, than yourself." Harry threatened. Quinn then stays silent, as his Father sits there with no remorse. They drive off. Nowhere for Quinn to escape.

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