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"[goes black and white].  So I stand here.  Facing the mirror.  Watching the paleness of my face blind my own eyes.  As I simply brush my teeth of course.  [brushes them, as he speaks in his head].  The Machinist is still out there.  Planning who knows what to cause mayhem here in the Big Apple.  And I assisted the man in creating that machine.  Of course, I was being blackmailed against my will, so it's not my fault.  But, it doesn't take away that slight feeling of guilt inside.  Like a scab of flesh on your finger that just hangs there.  Stinging you every time I touch it.  [spits out].  Though, it doesn't entirely matter.  Once he's gone, all will be well.  Then again, doesn't take away Father, unfortunately."  Mikey said.  As it goes back to colors, Mikey walks outside his room for breakfast.  "Morning, honey.  It's nearly ninety degrees, and you still wear that outfit?"  Mikey's Mom asked.  "Mom, you know why I wear this.  It's because of Dad."  Mikey replied.  "Well haven't you tried wearing something else, but still act like this Noir cope?"  Mikey's Mom asked.  "I can't.  I just... I just use it to, you know.  Forget what I saw that day."  Mikey replied.  "You were never meant to see that.  Nor did I.  What matters now is that we forget about it."  Mikey's Mom said.  "That's exactly what I'm doing, Mother,"  Mikey replied.  "Just try not to die of a heat stroke today, alright?"  Mikey's Mom asked.  "Yes, Mom,"  Mikey replied.  So he goes to eat his breakfast, so he can get that energy he needs for today.


Vic and Adam walk to the house as the sun rises. "The solar upgrade from the shoe factory seems to work [he checks a green screen watch on his wrist] The toxic waste still needs time to practice..." Vic says. Alpha runs around Vic's body. "Right. Right. You are excited to see her again." They reach the basement's window. Alpha jumps off Vic's shoulder and goes through the window. Vic slides in, the moment he smells something weird. "What the heck?" Vic looks around. He sees a broken shelf on the ground, then he comes close to examine it. The broken frame is lying on the ground. Next, he smells something disgusting. The smell got more and more intoxicated, and then he saw a dead body in a pool of blood next to its Alpha. The body belongs to a woman with messy hair and rag cloth. "Oh...No! Beth-" Vic's words are interrupted by Beth's cries and the sound of a broken music box. Vic stands on top of the body staring at a bloody Beth sitting in the corner of the room, her hands holding onto the music box as her pink eyes darken. Upon realizing Vic is here, Beth puts the music box on the ground and picks a bloody knife beside her. "... I fail, Vic... She doesn't appreciate them..." Beth says, pointing the edge of the knife to her own throat. "You still have a lot to live for" Before Vic could finish his words, she interrupts him. "Vic, you are a good man unlike what people say, you remind me a lot of him but... It's too late for me." The knife edge begins to slice part of her throat. Tears roll down from her eyes, but she wipes them away. "Beth, I can fix this. I can take responsibility for her death. I know this orphanage, and they will welcome you there." I say as I step over the mother's body and slowly walk to Beth. "I can't live like this... Farewell, Vic." She slices across her throat. Blood floods out of her throat and she drops down to the ground. "No-" Vic says as he runs to Beth, catches her, and grabs the broken music box. Beth still breathes although weakly. Vic rushes out of the house with Beth in his arms and Alpha on his shoulder.
"Please call 911, call the ambulance, anyone please!!!." I alert the whole neighborhood. Many people begin to gather around me. "Monster!!! The Machinist!!" One of the crowd says upon seeing my face. "This is about her-" Vic was interrupted by rocks throwing at him. As soon as they throw stones at Vic, like instinct, he tries to block the rocks from hitting Beth and Alpha. "He killed the whole family, monster!!! MONSTER!!!!" They say as they continuously throw stones at him. "No... I'm not..." His words turn into whispers due to pressure from the crowd. He clutches his eyes, in his brain, there is nothing but Beth's weak breath and the yelling from the public. Then he jumps up. He launches himself up to twenty-six feet tall, lands safely on a house, and rushes to the shoe factory.

United Heroez Season 2: Iron Steel LegionWhere stories live. Discover now