Alpha and Beta

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At ReX Cooperations, Wilson sits at his desk, watching the television about past United Heorez wins. "Ah, how heroic of them. Always being the ones on top. The ones who win. The one who stops me. Pff. We'll see if they can stop me now. Daniel, activate security." Wilson ordered. "Yes, master," Daniel replied. Daniel is a little cube on his desk, and with a simple command, he turns on a full army of security. Laser blasters come from holes in the roof, electric spikes on the ground, and other forms of power to be sure he is safe. "Perfect. I like to see them try to get in now." Wilson said. Soon, a whole gets busted through the roof, and the heroes jump in. Uncanny Valley, Wood Scraper, Black Feather, and Silver Talon.  Wilson sits there in utter shock.  "Daniel, please record this note to yourself.  Next time, upgrade my office to have defenses as well."  Wilson ordered causally.  "Yes, sir,"  Daniel replied.  "Well, well, well.  If it isn't Mr. Ward himself.  Or should we be addressing, his twin brother?  Or, wouldn't it just be a clone?  Can robots be related to people?"  Black Feather asked.  "I don't think so."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "Or maybe they can.  If you were to hypothetically put one's DNA into a robot, then make it, then that could work."  Silver Talon said.  "Not sure it works like that?"  Uncanny Valley replied.  "Still doing this whole gig I see.  I'm not complaining.  It's always funny to see you guys go from serious, to a good question."  Wilson said.  "Enough with it!  Ok, Wilson 2.0, you must be really happy."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "I am.  Sales are through the roof.  Come to think of it, you guys set me up for that line."  Wilson said.  "Very funny.  Look, we know it was you who made that villain that turned those people into robots.  And they were old people as well, you sick bum."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "Oh, that wasn't me,"  Wilson said.  "Don't try it.  We know it was you who turned Dean Gates into Crystallized, so we know it's you who made this guy."  Wood Scraper replied.  "That is correct, but just remember that Wilson ain't the real mastermind behind this.  It's someone else.  Someone, who left you all a little something."  Wilson said.  He pulls out a tape recorder and plays a message.  "Hello, United Heroez.  So, you once again cracked the eagle egg.  I told you before, a new threat was coming, and this time, he will get me your miraculous. Why exactly do I want your jewels? Well, I'll leave that to the imagination. You will see what it is when I get my hands on them. In the meantime, take this piece of advice. Trust those who cannot be trusted. Because you never know about the friends you can make along the way." Voice(Jack with a voice changer btw) said as it stopped. "Trust those who cannot be trusted? Lame advice." Wood Scraper said. That's when Uncanny gets a call. "What's up?" Uncanny Valley asked. "Get the guys, and hurry to the stadium. We found the guy who is responsible for the massacre." Eagle ordered. "Already on it. [hangs up]. Guess we are about to stop your new baddie, Wilson." Uncanny Valley said. "I already told you. I'm not the mastermind. I'm just the messenger, so it's not my problem one bit." Wilson replied as he leaned back to relax. The heroes then leave him to go help the others. Once they are fully gone, Wilson laughs. "[turns disguise off]. What idiots! How could they not know it was me? What morons!" Essence said laughing. He then receives a call as well. "[answers]. Progress report?" Essence asked. "Alya went from hospitalized, to clinically insane. I'll send you the address to the brand new, comfy ward she is living in." Clawer replied. "Excellent. That means the next phase of my master plan... has settled into motion." Essence said villainously.

At the stadium, the United Heroez stands out front, where teams of medics, and cops arrive.  They wheel out the corpse of Coach, as the others watch him be taken away.  "So, this guy can turn people into robots, then may kill them?  Wilson is trying his best to be the biggest jerk in all of NYC."  Eagle said.  "Tell me about it."  Uncanny Valley replied as she and the others pulled up.  "How did it go?"  Eagle asked.  "He's definitely behind this.  That's for sure.  I still have no idea how he made such a powerful weapon."  Uncanny Valley replied.  "I know right?  So... powerful."  Moon Fang said nervously.  "Anyway, here's what we got from here.  First of all, meet Motherbird.  New member of the team."  Eagle replied.  "Nice to meet you."  Wood Scraper said.  "Sup."  Silver Talon replied.  "Meh."  Black Feather said.  "Yeah, yeah.  Praise me as if I was..."  Motherbird replied before she was interrupted.  "Save your ego for later.  Back on topic.  He calls himself The Machinist.  His power is he can absorb metal, and use it as a weapon.  And by weapons, we mean he can create a buzzsaw and a rocket launcher.  He's full-on firepower."  Eagle said.  "What else?"  Uncanny Valley asked.  "Well, we found the dead body of a coach in the bathroom next to Quinn, who got wrecked, and he claims he's only trying to help people,"  Eagle replied.  "So we have a delusion as our next villain?  The worst kind of villains.  After terrorists, mass murderers, and plenty of others."  Uncanny Valley said.  "There is something more disgusting in this world than someone who is either a hypocrite or is just plain delusional.  [cough].  Tessa."  Wild Waves replied.  "I'm sorry, WHAT?!  I mean, yeah.  Screw... Tessa.  Screw that good-looking, pretty, celebrity-worthy girl."  Motherbird said.  "Did you know where he left off?"  Uncanny Valley asked.  "Not sure.  He must not be far, so here's the next plan.  We'll pull in a few more extra hours of our time.  We spread out, and try to find him."  Eagle replied.  "Sounds good to me."  Black Feather said.  "Uncanny, you come with me.  Black Feather, go with Moon Fang.  Motherbird, take Wood Scraper.  Lightwing, go with Wild Waves.  And Brother Bear, you get Silver Talon.  We meet at the home base in about one to two hours.  We discuss, and move on from there."  Eagle replied.  The others nod their head.  That's when Quinn comes out from the stadium, and he sees the heroes.  At first, he hesitates, then all of a sudden, he runs over to them.  "Hey!  Wait!"  Quinn yelled.  He's too late.  The heroes all leave, which leaves Quinn all alone.  Well, until his Dad pulls up, and he gets out.  "Quinn!  Get it!"  Harry yelled. Quinn obeys and gets inside. His Dad drives off. "I heard what happened to coach. Explain." Harry ordered. "Some shady guy go on top of him and started doing some... assimilate stuff on him. I tried to save him, but then all of a sudden, his head just exploded. I... I'm never going to get that image out of my head." Quinn replied broken. "So you're saying you're a coward?" Harry asked. "What?" Quinn asked back. "DON'T LIE TO ME MISTER! [Quinn cowards in the corner]. I raised you better than this. You were meant to be as strong as steel. Fueled to be successful. To be a champion, but all I see now is a gladiator, who is afraid of his sword." Harry replied. "His head exploded! What was I supposed to do to stop him?" Quinn asked. "Be a man, and kill the scum who killed coach! [sniffs]. And by the scent of toilet water, it seems you failed miserably." Harry replied. "[sighs]. Yes." Quinn said. "Don't expect me to send you back to football. [Quinn gasp]. You want to go back, prove it to me. I call that, motivation to stop being a weakling." Harry replied. Quinn almost says something, but stops when he sees the pure anger in his Dad. He stays silent. And keeps quiet, as he is taken home.

United Heroez Season 2: Iron Steel LegionWhere stories live. Discover now