Soulless and Emotionaless

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We start with the heroes with Terrace Trencher in the Woods training. "Firstly, nice outfit. Secondly, I'm a little nervous about this." Terrace Trencher said. "Why?" Silver Talon asked. "First of all, my weapon is a club. Second of all, what if I bleed?" Terrace Trencher asked back. "Technically, it's called a macuahuitl. A Native American weapon is a club. Secondly, we found out that as a miraculous holder, you cannot bleed. You can feel the pain, but you won't bleed at all. You just feel the pain, no scars left over." Motherbird replied. "Well isn't that conveniently scary?" Terrace Trencher said. "Enough with blood. Alright, Terrace Trencher, get ready to fight." Uncanny Valley replied. Terrace Trencher steps forth. He sees a dummy they made for practice. "Now, just run, hit it, and take his butt down." Uncanny Valley said. "Ok, I can do this." Terrace Trencher replied. He then battle cries, and runs to the dummy. Then he hits it with the club before he screams and runs away. "Uhh, what is scary about that?" Brother Bear asked. "What if he bites back? I'm not prepared for that." Terrace Trencher replied. "It's a dummy, dummy." Brother Bear said. "And speaking of, if you are afraid it will bite back, why were you not afraid when you threw a book twice at my face?" Silver Talon asked. "Because I at least knew you wouldn't bite back. You are a hero." Terrace Trencher replied. "Dang he's good. Weak, but good." Silver Talon said. "Let's get back to focus, Terrace Trencher. Do it again." Uncanny Valley ordered. "Alright, here we go." Terrace Trencher said. He yells, charges, and hits the dummy. He then once again screams and runs away. "I'm sorry, it's just, I'm afraid it's going to punch back." Terrace Trencher said. "Again, it's a dummy." Brother Bear replied. "It's fine. We just need to keep practicing. Do it again, and don't stop until you hit it three times. A five-second pause after every hit to make it fair." Uncanny Valley said. "It's going to be a long day." Terrace Trencher replied. He once again runs, charges, hits, then runs away. He does it again and fails. Once more, and fails. The others watch him, coward, after the first hit. "We are going to be here for a while," Lightwing said.


    Now we are at the orphanage. Meg sits at the front desk reading, as the other kids are having fun, or just sleeping. As Meg reads, she hears her phone ringing. She then answers it. "Meg... Meet me at the attic." Vic said. "Vic? VIC!!! Where have you been?! It's been weeks!" Meg yelled upon realizing Vic's voice. Vic abruptly shut the phone down. "You are in the attic, of the orphanage, right now?" Meg asked. She hangs up and goes upstairs. Climbing each stair as fast as she can, before she stands before the attic. Meg is a little afraid since it's odd for Vic to be in the attic. But then she clutches her fists, her eyes filled with determination and a bit of sadness. She pulls down the string for the ladder. She climbs up slowly before she is in the attic. "Uhh, Vic. I'm here." Meg said. There was no response but she saw a shadowy figure standing on the other side of the attic. "Vic? Hey, Vic!" Meg replied as she walked closer to him. "Stop it right there, Meg. Please, I am not the man you once knew." Vic said. Then, she turns the lights on one by one, before they shine on Vic. Vic turns his back on her, revealing only his cloak and covering something. Meg was silent for a bit before taking a huge breath. "You are the Machinist, aren't you?" Meg said calmly. Vic doesn't say anything, he just nods. Meg approaches Vic, and when she is right behind him, she grabs his shoulder and turns him around. Their eyes meet, even in the sight of the machinist, she doesn't flinch or even blink. Vic uses his hand to adjust Meg's hair before touching her left cheek with his hand. Upon seeing this, Meg uses her hands to grab him, the heat from her hands and cheek warming his steel heart. Beta stands behind Vic like his little daughter, she uses her metal hand to disrupt Vic and Meg while her other hand holds Alpha. "Now you have some explanation to do." Meg was openly angry at Vic upon seeing Beta.  The four of them sit on the ground, Meg quietly listens to Vic's saying while also trying to bond with Beta. In the end, Meg and Beta seem to have bonded pretty well. "So... a mysterious man revived you when you are near death?... In the middle of nowhere?" Meg asked while poking Beta's cheek. "I understand your concern-" Vic suddenly interrupted by Meg. "Just be careful, okay? So... What is your plan now?" Meg asked. "I will... Seeing you have helped me to finalize my decision... I will turn myself in." Vic said proudly. "You will?" Meg asked. "Being in hiding is pretty ineffective plus the chance of civilians and heroes ruining my treatment... I think it is better to turn myself in and explain misunderstandings. In the meantime, I hope you can take care of Beta and Alpha." Vic said. "What? [she jumped to Vic] I won't leave my creator." Beta asked. Vic pats Beta's head gently as he closes his eyes. "Even with all those metals in your body, you're still my Vic," Meg said. "You don't know how good it felt to hear that," Vic said as his voice softened mixed with sadness. "Years ago, you gave up all your chances to stay here in this orphanage. [Meg remembers the time when she peeked through the door as Vic talked to some adult. After a while, he stood up and bowed before leaving the adult speechless, "Haha I failed" Vic said smiling at Meg not noticing his conversation with the adult.] You didn't leave me then, so I won't leave you now. No matter what crimes, or atrocities you committed, I will stay by your side." Meg said with tears in her eyes. "Meg... I love you." Vic said before grabbing Meg, Beta, and Alpha to one place to hug them. All four embrace the warm feeling, hug each other, and cry.

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