Should I Trust My Creator?

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We are now at Erin's place, where the other team, Aeon, Erin, Travis, Arkin, and Tessa, are at.  "OK, team.  Status update.  It's been a few hours, and we made zero progress in finding this guy.  We checked everywhere we could.  Everywhere we think he can be.  Literally all the places we could find him, he was not there.  However, it's just progress.  But it simply means we need to hurry up with our work."  Aeon said.  "Yes, chief.  Also, why are we at Erin?"  Arkin asked.  "Since it's the only place we can stay at, that can house all of us fairly.  No offense to you guys, but Travis' Dad has his whole shady business going on, I haven't been to Arkin's place, and I heard rumors about your place, Tessa."  Erin replied.  "So what if I'm a little crazy at home?  Just trying to be the best."  Tessa said.  "Enough with whose crib is the worst, we need to focus,"  Aeon replied.  "Oh yeah.  Right.  So what's the plan?"  Erin asked.  "Since we are at a low point, I say we need to get some more assistance.  Which is why I think we should recruit another hero for the team."  Aeon replied.  "You and Jess love passing those out like candy don't you?" Tessa asked. "But that does mean you get to be like us right?" Aeon asked back. "Oh, good point," Tessa replied. "So, who is the lucky contender, and miraculous?" Travis asked. "I was thinking, Beaver, and Kenny," Aeon replied. "Kenny? KENNY?! Sorry Aeon, but may I remind you that Kenny isn't exactly the most confident among us? I mean, the dude is chill and all, but he is afraid of blood, and can be a bit of a scaredy cat." Travis said. "I know, but think about it. The miraculous has helped us out a lot right? Not just for the people, but for us in general. We went from being selfish and desperate for a miraculous, to growing to become an awesome team that relies on so much trust for each other. My point is, that perhaps the miraculous can help Kenny out with his fears. Plus he hates woodworking due to cutting himself, and beavers love to cut wood. Therefore, progress." Aeon replied. "I mean, I guess we can give it a shot.  But what if he freaks out, and wants to bail?"  Tessa asked.  "It's all about giving it a shot gang.  We put in the effort, we get more power, bing, bang, boom.  The Machinist doesn't stand a chance.  Remember, it's all about risks these days if done at the appropriate time."  Aeon replied.  "True, but still.  This won't work."  Tessa said.  "We'll just have to wait and see,"  Aeon replied.

Back in the city, we check up with the AAA, who are all getting lunch by their tanks, and cars.  "So then kaboom!  The whole leg got blown off, and yet he still went out fighting."  Soldier said.  The others clap.  "[sighs].  It's a shame that some people never give us the credit we deserve.  Risking our souls to save America from danger."  Soldier replied.  "And where are those types of people?  Probably living in their Mom's basement, all dirty and musty, never gets any women, only eats crap food, and no one even likes them."  Solider said.  "Or worse, some women who say, oh men are useless.  Men acting like men is the work of Satan.  Women being the leaders, the rulers, and the ones who are in charge is the best way America should function.  God put a six-shooter to my skull, and pull the trigger!"  Solider yelled.  "Right on, brother,"  Solider said.  "There will be no suicide boys.  [stands before them].  But you are right.  Screw women like that."  Valentina replied.  "Finally.  A woman who understands the pain us men go through."  Solider said.  "Trent, I was always like that when I first met you,"  Valentine replied.  "Oh yeah,"  Trent said.  "Anyway, get done eating boys.  We have a lot of work to take care of coming for us."  Valentina ordered.  The others don't respond with, yes chief, sir, or anything.  They stay silent.  Soon, Valentina gets a notification from her phone.  She answers it, and it tells her to go to the tent, next door to the trucks.  She walks inside, where there are monitors and cameras everywhere.  There, she sees someone calling her.  She answers.  "Valentina,"  General said.  "General Hank.  [salutes].  How may I assist you?"  Valentina asked.  "Oh, nothing major.  Except for seeing your performance out there, I am disappointed."  General replied.  "How did you see me?"  Valentina asked.  "You have a camera on your hat,"  General replied.  "Oh yeah,"  Valentina said.  "Hey, no duh!  Anyway, you were too soft, you were not demanding from those machines.  As my leading officer for this operation, I expect more from you."  General replied.  "But sir, I mean general, I tried my best,"  Valentina said.  "Oh, you tried your best?  SHUT UP!  [slams desk, which makes Valentina nearly poop her pants].  So if I said, sorry sir, I failed to stop the enemies from killing the hostages, but I tried my best, that means it's no big deal right?  [Valentina shakes her head for a no].  Exactly.  So don't disappoint me next time, and let this be a lesson for you, Missy.  Never give me excuses.  Otherwise, I can find a better leader to replace you.  [Valentina gasps].  That better scare you."  General replied as he hung up.  Valentina then sighs after that menacing report.

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