Vicious Virtuality

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A whistle is blown off, as football players go into a hustle.  They run as fast as they can and try to catch the ball, and score that legendary touchdown.  They tackle, they bash, they do what it takes to get that dub.  Eventually, Quinn jumps into the air, grabs the ball, and sprints.  Dashing past his enemy players, and going for that goal.  As he is chased by almost the entire team, it's too late.  Quinn crosses the line and slams the football on the ground.  "LET'S GO!!!"  Quinn screamed.  The others then clap for his success.  "Well done, Quinn.  Just like your Father."  Coach said.  "Thanks, coach.  Just doing what he would have wanted."  Quinn replied.  "I sure remember how energetic he was.  Forty years ago, he was nothing, but on that grind for success."  Coach said.  "Can't believe after forty years, you're still working here,"  Quinn replied. "Just like your Father, I have a passion. But unlike your Father, I haven't got lucky." Coach said. "No sweat. You're still a G, and you know it." Quinn replied. Coach smiles. "Ok, that's it for the day. Grab your showers. We need to be sparkly clean when we WHOOP THOSE LOSERS BUTTS TONIGHT!!!" Coach screamed. The others roar back, as they go to the showers.

    Now we are back with the United Heroez. Especially in this case, Moon Fang, Lightwing, Brother Bear, and Wild Waves.  They run along, using Moon Fang's trail to find who caused this.  "So we went from a villain who uses crystals as mass weapons of chaos, to someone who turned sick people into robots?"  Wild Waves asked.  "You mean, part human, part robot."  Brother Bear replied.  "You know exactly what I mean."  Wild Waves said.  "Cool it you two.  What matters is that we find this guy, and put an end to his madness."  Lightwing replied.  "How do we even know it's a guy?  Remember, you can be any gender these days."  Brother Bear said.  "Oh, you're right,"  Lightwing replied.  Moon Fang stops running, which makes Wild Waves crash into him.  "Hey!  Watch it, bro!"  Wild Waves yelled.  "I had to.  Look.  [the three get up and look.  They see the football stadium].  The trail leads there.  Guess our buddy is a fan of football."  Moon Fang replied.  "Well, what do we do know?  We can't just wait."  Lightwing asked.  "We should wait for Eagle.  Maybe she will even bring a friend along the way."  Moon Fang replied.  "Well, what if you transform back?  You'll lose your trail."  Brother Bear asked.  "[pulls out cracker].  Also, be prepared for anything my fellow friends."  Moon Fang replied.  "Huh?  Ok, so we will be ok if we wait a few minutes."  Brother Bear said.  "Exactly.  We'll wait for Eagle to have the upper hand, then we bomb rush this freak."  Moon Fang replied.  And thus, they all wait for the chance to strike.

As for Eagle, she is on the rooftops overlooking the streets.  Down below her is her friend, Tessa, who is walking home.  Once Eagle spots her, she jumps down and scares her.  Tessa falls to the ground.  "Ha!  Gotcha!"  Eagle yelled who then laughed.  "Of course.  You had to scare me because let me guess, you know how easily I am to scare?"  Tessa asked.  "Hm, yes,"  Eagle replied.  "[gets up].  Well, what do you even want?  Probably something I don't care about."  Tessa asked.  "So I guess me giving you a miraculous isn't something you care about?"  Eagle asked back.  Tessa then freezes, before she straight-up slaps herself four times.  "What's with the slaps?"  Eagle asked.  "To make sure I ain't dreaming.  HAHA!!!  I knew you would change your mind.  I am worthy of a miraculous."  Tessa replied.  "Right.  Well, my Grandmaster is okay with the idea, so here we go.  Tessa David, here is the miraculous of the Goose, which grants the power of motherly love.  With this power, you will use it for the greater good."  Eagle said.  "A goose?  Really?"  Tessa asked.  "Wow!  You finally get a miraculous, and you're still complaining?"  Eagle asked back.  "I mean, how thoughtful.  Thank you."  Tessa rephrased.  She takes the Goose miraculous, which is a golden goose egg necklace, and then a bright white light forms.  It blinds Tessa before the Goose kwami unfolds.  "Why hellos there, hatchling.  I am Reese.  The Goose kwami."  Reese said.  "Reese?  Great, now I'm hungry for candy."  Tessa replied.  "Heh!  Good one.  Well, there you go.  There is your kwami."  Eagle said.  "Wait, so this is how the whole, miraculous, thing works?  I get some jewelry, and this thing comes out?"  Tessa asked.  "Yep, and with a simple keyword, you'll be granted extraordinary power.  As well as a nice suit, and cool weapon."  Reese replied.  "Hm, I assume you look after others since your power is motherly love?"  Tessa asked.  "Yes.  You have no idea how hard it is to deal with them.  Always yelling, fooling around.  To me, I have the most responsibility here."  Reese replied.  "No way!  Me too!  My friend groups are good and all, but they always act so obnoxious."  Tessa said.  "Uh, excuse me.  We saved New York from a crystal terrorist."  Eagle replied.  "I'm talking in a civilian mood.  But anyway, I see myself as the best one in the group.  And if you don't agree, then what the heck are you on?"  Tessa asked.  "Narcissism is bad, but I think it helped me make a new friend,"  Reese replied.  "Nah!  You got yourself a new feathered friend."  Tessa said.  "Yep.  That pun is getting old.  We better hurry up.  They did say they are dealing with a serious threat."  Eagle replied.  "I know.  Maybe."  Tessa said.  "All you need to say is, Reese, open feathers,"  Reese replied.  "Reese, open feathers,"  Tessa said as she transformed into Motherbird. 

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