Hacker Havoc

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Soon, the first team, Eagle, Black Feather, Moon Fang, Wood Scraper, and Wild Waves are all on the rooftop of a building next door to ReX Cooperations. "Ok gang, you know the drill. He breaks in, interrogates that robotic creep then takes his company out." Eagle said. "Why exactly do we need to take his company out?" Moon Fang asked. "Really?" Eagle asked back. "Oh, right. He's a menace." Moon Fang replied. "So, Black Feather and Wood Scraper, you said he has upgraded his security like, to a thousand times more than it was before?" Eagle asked. "That is correct, but we easily broke in through the roof." Wood Scraper replied. "It was as easy as taking candy from a baby. Oh speaking of, joke time. I had a magic eight ball, and I asked it, how do I kill a baby?  I shook the eight ball, just like that."  Black Feather said.  "You just love trying to offend people don't you?"  Wild Waves replied.  "I have my reasons fishy.  Very... understandable reasons."  Black Feather said sadly.  "He only means it as a joke.  He of course doesn't want to do that to a baby.  That's all that matters.  But anyway, if getting in through the roof was that easy, then we should try that method."  Eagle replied.  "Didn't you hear me say they cranked up the security by a thousand, and will probably be even more deadly today?"  Wood Scraper asked.  "Heard you loud and clear, but you always should be sure in the end.  Let's do this."  Eagle replied.  So inside Wilson's office, he is chilling.  Taking care of business, and watching money be poured into his bank account.  Soon, his roof bursts open, and the heroes jump in.  But when they touch the ground, they are all frozen in place.  "[looks at them].  Hello there."  Wilson said.  Then, the heroes are yeeted up into the air.  They scream as they blast off into the sky.  "Grego.  Repair."  Wilson said.  Soon, the roof, and any type of damage to it gets fixed.  Once done, a light blue cloak forms in front of him.  At the same time, Wilson gets a call from his boss, Jack.  He answers.  "Is Grego serving you well?"  Jack asked.  "Perfectly.  This sentimonster was a real genius, sir."  Wilson replied.  "And the best part is, I get to do this all behind Duusu's back.  Don't worry about her.  Thanks to Mind Wiper, she won't have to panic about a thing.  Just keep up the progress, and remember, don't screw up."  Jack said.  "As always, sir,"  Wilson replied.  He hangs up, as Grego goes back onto the floor.  Hiding, so he's ready for his next victim.

Thus, we enter a glorious montage.  One in which the heroes try so hard to break into one man's company.  It begins with Eagle giving them all confidence in their strength.  With it, they break down the walls and get inside.  But the second they step in, they get volts fired right at them.  Electrocuting them all in a flash.  Now fried, they run off screaming.  Grego then repairs the wall.  Next, Wood Scraper uses her powers to make a powerful shield.  Once they break in, the volts fire at them, but the shield protects them.  They keep moving, and moving, and moving until they are close to the staircase to the catwalk.  Once they start going up, a button gets activated.  Then a spiked wrecking ball flies down and shatters the shield.  With the shield no more, the heroes get easily zapped.  They run away screaming, as Grego once again repairs the damages.  Next up, they sneak in through the vent thanks to Moon Fang.  Now that all five of them are inside, they sneak off to his office.  However, they trip over a laser wire.  It sounds an alarm, and then rocket launchers come out of the walls aiming right at them.  They all gulp, and with a terrified face, they all gently walk their way out of the company.  Even cleaning a mark they left behind, as they all leave. 

Time flies, and all of them are back at square one.  Exhausted, while standing on the rooftop waiting to attack.  "It has been officially five hours, forty minutes, and ten seconds.  Yet, we had no progress on attacking Wilson.  This guy is a psychopath."  Wood Scraper said.  "Nah!  He's a psychopath, who is not letting a single one of us inside his office.  And when we get inside, he just kicks our butt out."  Wild Waves replied.  "At least... we are still alive right?"  Black Feather asked.  "That is correct, but may I remind you that we need to see Wilson expose him?"  Eagle asked back.  "Maybe, we should back off the guy.  I mean, as long as we know then it's ok, right?  So, let's focus on Machinist, while we... leave Wilson be."  Moon Fang replied.  "And give up?  Heck no!  Heroes are in it, until the end.  No matter the pain, and suffering."  Eagle said.  "So what, we just try again, and again, and again?"  Black Feather asked.  "That is the only option we have.  There is nothing else we can do."  Eagle replied.  "You are insane, girl."  Black Feather said.  "I prefer the term ambitious,"  Eagle replied.  "I got it.  How did I not think of it before?"  Wood Scraper asked.  "What is it?"  Eagle asked back.  "So, Wilson is a robot, right?"  Wood Scraper asked back.  "Yes,"  Eagle replied.  "So he's not human, instead machine right?"  Wood Scraper asked.  "Obviously,"  Eagle replied.  "Then all we need isn't just to break in over, and over.  What we need is to think outside the box itself.  And what better way to do that here, than with one of the scariest types of people possible?  Hackers."  Wood Scraper said.  "Meaning?"  Wild Waves asked.  "Meaning we find a hacker who can help us, hack Wilson, and then, we will not only get access but perhaps find out who did all of this.  Genius right?"  Wood Scraper asked back.  "Wow!  That actually might work.  Only problem.  Where will we find a hacker?  Online?"  Moon Fang asked back.  "No.  I know someone who has those skills, that will guarantee us the win."  Eagle replied.

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