A Helping Hand

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Soon, Vic rises from the ground. He rubs his head as he looks around to figure out what just happened. Then he sees Essence. Vic freaks out, then backs up against some crushed cars. "STAY BACK! STAY BACK YOU... demon." Vic said as he realized what he had done. Vic notices that he moved his entire body perfectly fine. No issues whatsoever. No broken bones. "Pretty cool right?" Essence asked. "I... I moved my body just fine. [looks down]. Wait, what's this?" Vic asked back as he went to take it off.  "Don't do that.  You take that off, you lose the gift I've bestowed upon you."  Essence replied.  "Evaluate gift,"  Vic said.  "What's on your chest is called The Core.  A device meant to help heal you of your vile curse.  It's a shame such a horrible illness holds back a man who wants to help humanity.  Someone who even nearly died because he was doing better than all the others."  Essence replied.  "How do you know that?"  Vic asked.  "Because my dear Vic, I know everything about you. I know where you live. I know where you work. I know you as well as you know yourself." Essence replied. "Of course. I was aware of how creepy you are, demon." Vic said. "I'm not a demon. It's just me called misunderstood like you. People immediately think I'm this psychotic monster, who adores killing, torture, you name it. When really, I'm doing it for a good cause. You see, the world we live in is a mess. A wasteland that rots every second that passes by. Only a few people try to save humanity, including myself. My main intention is to rule over the world, but not as a dark dictator. Rather, as someone who wants to help rebuild society into a better world. Who cares if I have to take a few lives to get what I want? I'll do what needs to be done to save humanity." Essence replied. Vic is shocked, as Essence goes on. "At the same time, I can't help but feel bad for people like you, Vic. People who are thrown away like garbage. People only try to be the best person they can, while others see them as the worst. Well today, well tonight, you are going to prove them all wrong." Essence said. "How so?" Vic asked. "Stand up, and touch that." Essence replied. Vic obeys. He gets up and slowly walks his way over to the metal. Once he touches it, a mechanical sound turns on, as he absorbs it. The metal fuses to his skin. A mix of metal spikes/shards and skin. "Woah! This looks gross, but also... cool." Vic said. "The Core is to thank for this. And me of course. Now, grab those car wires." Essence replied. Vic grabs them, and then they fuse to his body. Going into his back to form nasty wire tentacles. "How do you feel?" Essence asked. "Weird, but so powerful as well. I've never felt power like this before." Vic replied. "Great. Now, here's what I'm intending to do. I want you to around New York. Go find people worth healing of any illness." Essence said. "How?" Vic asked. "You just turn them into part machine, just like you. It will automatically cure them of the illness, or more specifically, treat them forever. Therefore, your dream of saving all those who suffer the same fate as yours... will be achieved. It's what you've always wanted, right?" Essence asked back. "I mean, yeah. But wait, how do you know I can trust you?" Vic asked back. "I gave you The Core. I saved your life. If I were the monster they say I am, I would have watched you rot all night." Essence replied. "[thinks]. Ok. I'll do it. I'll do it for humanity." Vic declared. "Excellent. Now get geared up. You have a lot of work to do tomorrow." Essence replied. Essence leaves, as Vic goes, and absorbs more metal for himself.

    The next day, the United Heroez gang is all hanging outside at the fountains. Jess, Aeon, Arkin, James, Erin, Fiona, Mikey, Travis, and Saul. "So, who are we giving these next four to?" Aeon asked. "Well, Walker did say find good people, but he didn't say anything about giving them to our friends again," Jess replied. "Seriously, Jess? Again with the revenge thing?" Aeon asked. "No of course not. I think maybe the others can help us. Kenny. Paige. Tessa. Not Quinn, screw that guy." Jess replied. "The real question is, which miraculous will we give out next?" Arkin asked. "Let's ask a much better question. What can these powers even do?" Travis asked. "Let's see. Well, I would say the best one in this case, Goose." Jess replied. "Then we just give the Goose to one of our pals," Travis said. "I mean, we got to start somewhere. We'll find someone later today, then give them that power." Jess replied. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the super nerds and their little hero." Quinn said who roles up with his boys. "Ah great. The famous Quinn. What do you want?" Jess asked. "I was just wondering if you nerds are going to tomorrow's football game? You know. The one where we are going to win the state championship?" Quinn asked back. "Not a big fan of sports," Jess replied. "Germ alert. Let me guess, hero stuff is more important." Quinn said. "Uh, yes it is. Maybe if you paid attention to us, you know that we stopped Crystallized from nearly destroying New York. Maybe even you along with it." Fiona replied. "Yeah, so how about you lower your ego to about zero, and feel a little grateful you have us," James said. "Aw, the emo is being nice for once. Surprised you didn't kill yourself yet." Quinn replied. "I'm not emo. I rock the hair because it looks good." James said. "Whatever. And look at Noir Nerd. Just sitting there being all silent. Wouldn't be surprised if he and emo were to go on a spree one of these days." Quinn replied. "Geez, you love being the definition of a scumbag don't you Quinn," Aeon said. "Better than being a robotic freak," Quinn replied. Jess then gets pissed, and straight-up kicks Quinn in the knee. He falls to the ground in pain. "Say that to her again, and I'll make sure you walk away with no knees!" Jess yelled.

United Heroez Season 2: Iron Steel LegionWhere stories live. Discover now