Heroes or Solider

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As the daylight shines through the window and into the little girl's eyes, she wakes up, her right hand still clutching the music box as she uses her left hand to wipe her eyes. "Oh, you finally awake," Vic says as he closes a black bag. The girl looks around the basement. It's cleaner than usual, even the cobwebs on the roof are removed. "Here is your rat." Vic returns the rat to her hand before pointing at the bag that he closed. "Also the last thing you need to do is put that bag into the trash bin. Don't worry, they are just dust, cobwebs, and anything that stinks. I didn't touch anything else." Vic says. The girl is stunned by Vic's words. "Anyway... Goodbye, I was just finding a place to be in. Sorry for the intrusion," Vic says as he tries to escape through the window. "Wait, you said you want a place to stay." The girl asks, Vic, nods. "As long as you can fix those, [point to the stuff on the shelf.], you can stay here." The girl says as she turns the music box handle. The music starts to play in a familiar tone. "Hmmm, [grubs his chin as he looks at the stuff], yeah I think I can do that. Plus, can I use all the scrap metal here?" Vic says. "Yeah, you can use anything in the basement as long as you won't damage those things on my shelf." The girl says, holding the rat in her arm and humming to the melody. As he slowly walks and looks around the basement, he hums to the sound of the music box. "I know this song... [see a lightning rod, old computer, and scraps]... Is it the Bell of Notre Dame?" Vic says as he looks at the girl. "So that is its name. The Bell of Notre Dans" the girl says as she smiles at the music box. "You didn't know? It is Notre Dame... So... um... My name is Vic," Vic says as he looks over the stuff on the shelf.  "I am Beth [show the rat] and this is Mister Adam." The girl smiles. "So, Beth [grabs one of the stuff on the shelf] Did you try to repair this before?" Vic says as he looks at Beth. Beth goes silent. "I will take that as a yes. Don't worry, they aren't damned too much. I will fix all of them," Vic says. Beth lets out a massive sigh of relief. "Hmmm... Where is your parent?" Vic says. Beth goes silent. "I'm sorry-" Vic says but gets interrupted by Beth. "There is my mother... but things aren't the same without him," Beth says with a soft sad tone as she pats Adam. The room goes silent for a while. Then, there is a knock on the basement door. "Coming, Mom," Beth says as she gives Adam to Vic and waves her hand before exiting the basement. Vic goes silent, dusting all the stuff on the shelf revealing the words "Dad stuffs" carefully carved on the wooden shelf. "I'm such a fool," Vic says as he gently picks up one of the things and sits down on the ground with Adam. "Let's make things right, Adam."


We continue with the gang of heroes all at Joe's Pizza.  Where they stuff their faces with pie, and hang out in secret.  Alongside them is Tessa now new to the group.  "So you're telling me you guys only come here if you're a hero?"  Tessa asked.  "It's a way to stay secret, and the perfect reason to get the best pizza in the world,"  Jess replied.  "So I am only allowed to eat with you guys if I am a hero?"  Tessa asked.  "Yep,"  Jess replied.  "I feel partly offended, but at the same time, it makes some sense,"  Tessa said.  "Anyway, back on the topic gang.  We need to talk.  It's been a few days, and no sign of The Machinist has been found.  No sign of wires.  No sign of robots.  No sign of anything.  That does sound good right?  Wrong!  In classic comic book fashion, this is where the villain hides for some time, but when he returns, he is more powerful than ever.  Meaning, we are in store for a mechanical menace coming soon."  Jess replied.  "Sounds about right, so what do we do then?"  Arkin asked.  "Simple.  There are various ways we can win this, so I have the following solution.  Half of us focus on finding The Machinist, and trying to stop him.  The other half will stay here in NYC to interrogate Wilson."  Jess replied.  "I like to add.  Wilson has full-on security in his base now.  And considering we managed to get in, he's going to upgrade."  James said.  "Good point. Hm, then we'll have to find a way around that." Jess replied. "We'll focus on that later. Right now, we need teams. So, who's doing what?" Uncanny Valley asked. "I already have it written down. The people looking for The Machinist will be Aeon. Followed by: Travis, Erin, Arkin, and Tessa. The others, myself, James, Mikey, Fiona, and Saul, we take on Wilson." Jess replied. "Hm, do I have to go with you guys? Can't I focus on trying to find Machinist?" Mikey asked. "Why? You can't track him anymore." Jess asked back. "Uh, uh, uh, never mind. [in the head]. Play it cool. Just play it cool. [out loud]. I'll help you guys stop Wilson." Mikey replied. "O...k. Anyway, as for the last three miraculous we have, I'll figure that out on the way. Any questions?" Jess asked.  Soon, they all hear some large, powerful machines pull up.  They look about to die and immediately gasp when they see tanks, and war machines parked in the middle of Times Square.  "Yes.  Why is the army here?"  Travis asked.  "Not sure why, but we better find out.  Team, hero time, now."  Jess replied.  They all leave to transform.

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