Off To The Orange Islands

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With the Indigo League all finished with, the gang was now back in Pallet Town. Ash Mom and Prof. Oak had arranged a big garden party in Prof. Oak's backyard for Ash, celebrating his victory.

Ash, Misty and brock all had their Pokémon out to enjoy the party.

Ash stood beside Professor Oak, "I want to thank you all for cheering me on the Indigo Plateau! Also, I want to thanks to all my Pokémon for helping me get into the Indigo League and for fighting by my side. Without you all to help me, we wouldn't have won it! Thank very much to everyone!" he spoke and gave a bow at the end.

The Pokémon roared, cried, screeched and howled out, in happiness that they are glad to help.

Everyone cheered at Ash's speech and replied, 'No problem and you're welcome! You've earned it! Congratulations!'

It was for the party to continue, and the gang were now having some food.

"By the way, Ash, what did you get for prizes besides the trophy?" Brock asked.

"Oh, well I got a million Pokédollars-" Ash started.

"FOR REAL?!" The gang, besides Ash, exclaimed.

Ash nodded, "Yeah. I also got some more evolution stones, some rare items and a few more Mega Stones. More sets of different Pokéballs."

"So Ash, what are you going to do now?" Delia asked.

"Hmm," Ash said, "Well I have been thinking about what to do next. And I've decided to head over to the Orange Islands." he showed them a brochure of the Orange Islands.

"The Orange Islands huh." Brock read the brochure, "You have to travel to different islands and there are four islands that have Gym Leaders known as the Orange Crew." He read the information given.

Ash nodded, "Yeah, but it's different. The Gym Battles in the Orange Islands differ from those on the mainland because the Orange Crew don't require challenges to actually fight." he explained.

"It sounds like an interesting league to compete in." Misty commented.

"If you're going to the Orange Islands Ash, I would like you to do me a favor." Prof. Oak questioned.

Ash nodded, "Sure Prof. Oak. What is it?" he asked.

"It's a package from Professor Ivy." Prof. Oak replied.

Ash recalled that professor. he knew that Prof. Ivy had the G.S. Pokéball.

"I don't mind at all.Professor" Ash said

"Very well, You know where she lives right" He asked

"Yeah I know Professor Ivy lives on Valencia Island." Ash replied.

Then Ash turned to the others, "You guys want to come with me?"

"Of course." Brock nodded,

"So do I." Misty said.

"Pi Pikachu(A new adventure!)" Ash Shiny Pikachu cheered.

"Togephriiii! (New adventure!)" Misty (Togepi) smiled.

"How do we get to the Orange Islands, Ash?" Brock asked to Ash.

"We can get to the Orange Islands by my pokemon. As salamence and charizard are requesting for a long distance to me so they don't have any problem with it right guys?" He said

"Sal salmence [I am ready master]" Salamence replied

Ash charizard simply nodded as he and salamence both have habit of long travelling.

"Great, we'll pick up supplies for the journey before we go." Brock said.


Later that day, Ash and the gang were all ready to leave for the Orange Islands.

As ash mother was crying as her baby is leaving her this early as she was not ready to see him leave but at last he got his mother to let him go.

"You take care of yourselves," Delia said.

"And good luck in the Orange Islands." Prof. Oak added.

"Okay." Ash said.

As ash mom has made a new outfit for him

As ash mom has made a new outfit for him

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The gang bid farewell to Delia and Prof. Oak as they headed off on their next adventure.


At Viridian City, the gang picked up food and medicine from a convenience store, and then they got on to ash salamence and charizard as they left for orange island.

"Orange Islands, here we come!" Ash cheered.

The Journey to the Orange Islands had now begun.

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