Kumquat Island

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Sometime after the whole weather crisis with Lugia and the three Legendary birds, Ash and the gang had arrived on an island called Kumquat Island, where Ash Would obtain his fourth and final Orange League badge.

"Just one more badge." Ash smiled.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu smiled.

"What is this island about?" Misty asked.

"Apart from having a gym, Kumquat Island is famous for its luxurious hotels, beaches, and hot springs." Tracey informed.


The gang got off both the lapras and then began to explore the island.

"This place sure is packed." Tracey commented, looking around.

"Like you said, it's famous for its luxury resorts." Ash pointed out.

"Hey, can we try the hot springs?" Misty asked.

"I don't mind but I would like to know like where the gym is." Ash answered.

"I can help with that." A female voice said, from behind them.

The gang turned around, seeing a middle-aged woman with shoulder length red hair and blue eyes, she wore a long dark blue dress with a yellow and green long sleeve coat over the top.

"Um, who are you?" Ash asked.

"I'm Luana Ryuchin. I'm a Manager of Hotel Ryuchin and the Kumquat Island Gym Leader." Luana introduced herself.

"My name is Ash Ketchum," Ash said, "and I wish to have a gym battle with you for my fourth and final Orange League badge."

"I will accept your battle, Ash and we will have it tomorrow. Also, I propose a double battle." Luana accepted, "So I suggest you three spend a night at my hotel."

Misty and Tracey agreed to the offer right away, and Ash had to agree too; he couldn't beat that. Just then Ash noticed that an Alakazam was standing next to Luana.

"I take it that Alakazam is yours?" Ash asked.

"That's right," Luana replied, "and my battling partner."

Ash knew that Luana was also going to use Marowak with her Alakazam in the gym battle tomorrow as he did his research on her battles.


Luana led the to her luxury hotel. Apparently, it was not only her hotel, but it was also where she held the gym battles. And it had rooms where both Pokémon and their trainers could relax. Luana offered the gang the night in her hotel's most exquisite suite for free of charge. And right now, the gang were enjoying the hot spring.

"So Ash," Misty said, "What two Pokémon are you going to use?"

"Well I decided Gengar and Blastoise" Ash replied.

"Well we already know that Luana's first Pokémon is Alakazam, but why did you choose Blastoise?" Tracey questioned.

"Blastoise never got his chance to fight in any of the previous challenges. So I decided to take a chance with him." Ash answered, "I believe that he'll do great."


The next day it was finally time for Ash's gym battle against Luana.

"Well Ash, are you ready?" Luana asked.

"You bet," Ash replied, "I'm as ready as I ever will be."

Misty and Tracey were watching from the side lines.

"Just think," Tracey said, "If Ash wins this, he can finally enter the Orange League."

"Yes, but we still don't know what Luana's second Pokémon is." Misty pointed out.

"Something tells me that Ash not worried about that." Tracey stated.

"Alright Ash, here are my two Pokémon." Luana threw two Pokéballs.

Luana's two Pokémon turned out to be Alakazam and a Marowak. Ash sent out Gengar and Blastoise.

"Okay Gengar, use Confuse Ray on Alakazam! Blastoise, use Hydro pump on Marowak!" Ash ordered.

Gengar's eyes glowed blue and Alakazam became confused. Blastoise shot a stream of water from his Cannons and it hit Marowak, making him skid back.

"Alakazam! Marowak!" Luana called out.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball! Blastoise, Aqua Jet!"

Gengar created a black and purple ball between his paws. Then launched it at Alakazam. Blastoise surrounded himself in water and launched towards Marowak. Both attacks hit Luana's Pokémon.

"Alakazam, use Psybeam! Marowak, Bonemerang!" Luana ordered.

Alakazam and Marowak launched their attacks.

"Gengar, use Protect!" Ash called out.

Gengar jumped in front of Blastoise and a green colored barrier protected them from Alakazam and Marowak.

"Gengar, Blastoise, Double Dark hydro cannon on Alakazam and Marowak!" Blastoise used his hydro cannons and launched the attack towards both pokemon as he combined his attack with Gengar's Dark Pulse attack and their attack hit both of Luana's Pokémon.


"Wow," Tracey gasped, "What a combo move!"

"Ash gets more amazing each time he battles." Misty admitted.

Tracey nodded, "Yeah."


"Marowak, use Bone Rush and use Psybeam again, Alakazam." Luana ordered.

Marowak headed straight towards Blastoise as its bone glowed light blue and grew longer while Alakazam's Psybeam attack headed towards Gengar.

"Gengar, dodge and use Swift! Blastoise, use surf!" Ash commanded.

Gengar dodged the Pysbeam attack and summoned a bunch of stars and launched them at Alakazam. Blastoise summoned a huge wave of water below him and launched it at Marowak. Both those attacks made Alakazam and Marowak faint. So Ash was the winner of the gym battle.

Ash hugged Gengar and Blastoise, "You two did great. I'm so proud of you." The two Pokémon smiled.

Luana returned Alakazam and Marowak and walked up to Ash.

"I must say Ash, that was the best battle I ever had, and you did a very good job. So as proof as your victory," She held out a grey conch shell, with a small yellow gemstone, "The Jade-Star badge."

"I finally got all four Orange League badges." Ash said happily.

"Then that means you can enter the Orange League on Pummelo Island, Ember and you must defeat the leader of the Orange League to win. And I must warn you, he won't be very easy to beat." Luana informed.

Ash smiled, "That's okay with me, because I like a tough challenge."


So with the Jade-Star badge obtained, the gang said goodbye to Luana, and left Kumquat Island for Pummelo Island, so that Ash could finally enter the Orange League.

As the journey continues.

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