Rind Island

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While on the way to Pummelo Island, Ash and the gang stopped on an island. As well as taking a break there, Ash saw this as an opportunity to train his Pokémon before the Orange League. Of course, Ash knew what Pokémon the leader of the Orange League would use, so he decided to train his Pokémon and himself to get ready for it. But he wanted Crystal Onix to have a chance against Drake's Onix, so he'll trade Pokémon when he gets to Pummelo Island. His Mom had told him that crystal onix had been training with some of his water Pokémon and Rock type. So Ash was excited to see how he was doing.


Ash had trained with his other Pokémon a few hours ago. Then he decided to go on a jog with Pikachu, Eevee and Lucario. Tracey who was sketching a wild Vileplume while Misty was fishing. 

Mid way during their jog, Lucario stopped in his steps.

"Lucario, what's wrong?" Ash asked.

"(I sensed something nearby.)" Lucario replied.

"Which direction?" Ash asked.

Lucario pointed towards the trees, "(That way.)"

"Let's go check it out." Ash decided.

"Pika? (Should we?)" Pikachu asked.

"Well it could be an injured Pokémon." Ash suggested.

"Pikachu. (Good point.)" Pikachu nodded.

So the three followed Lucario into the trees. 


As they got closer, Ash felt like something was watching them. Soon enough they reached a clearing with a huge boulder in the middle but saw nothing else.

"(Odd, I was sure that I sensed something here.)" Lucario said.

"Odd indeed." Ash agreed.

Suddenly, Pikachu saw something flash right by them.

Pikachu blinked, "Pika? (What was that?)"

Pikachu question was answered when a form appeared from the shadows of the tree line. It was a Pokémon, one that only existed in myths and legends.

"Marshadow." Ash whispered, shocked.

"Pika? Pikachu? (Marshadow? Really?)" Pikachu questioned.

"(I thought that Marshadow was only a myth.)" Lucario added.

"That's what most people think." Ash stated.

"Marshadow, is there a reason why you've been watching us?" Ash asked, calmly.

Marshadow stared at him, "(You're Arceus chosen, are you?)"

"Arceus chosen? Yes, I believe I am. Why do you ask?" Ember asked.

"(I wanted to meet Arceus chosen. I'm amazed that you were able to save the world from further destruction.)" Marshadow replied, "(Were you afraid?)"

"Truth be told, I was somewhat scared when I had to go to Ice Island. The reason why was because I saw the three Legendary Birds were fighting against one another. But I was able to go because all of my Pokémon and my mom gave me the courage." Ash admitted.

"(I see.)" Marshadow said, "(I need your help.)"

"How can we help?" Ash asked

"(Follow me)." Marshadow said before it turned into a shadow and went behind the boulder in front of them.

Ash, Lucario, Pikachu and Eevee followed Marshadow and went behind the boulder. They were shocked at what they saw: an injured Pokémon. But the strange thing about was that Ash, Lucario, Pikachu and Eevee didn't recognize this kind of Pokémon. Unknown to them, this Pokémon was called Type: Null.

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