Sunburst Island

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Once again, Ash and his friends were sailing through the sunny surf. Pikachu, Eevee, and both Togepi were on Lapras head, enjoying the view.

Pikachu spotted something, floating on the water, "Pika? (What's that?)" he asked.

This got the gang curious; they saw a bottle floating on the water.

Ash stopped Lapras and Ash secretly used his Telekinesis to grab the bottle.

Ash looked at the bottle, which had a piece of paper inside, "Huh? There's a paper inside." he said and he opened the lid of the bottle.

"Looks like a letter." Ash said.

"Pika." Pikachu blinked.

"Might be from one of the islands." Tracey said.

"What does it say?" Misty asked.

Ash removed the paper from inside the bottle and opened it up reading it out, "Umm, let's see. "If you know anything about a Pokémon known as the Crystal Onix, let me know right away. Signed Marissa Isao from Sunburst Island." Huh?" he said, confused by this message.

"The Crystal Onix?" Misty asked, curious.

"Yeah, it's supposed to be an Onix made out of glass crystal." Tracey replied.

"We should go check it out. Who knows? We might even see the Crystal Onix." Ash suggested.

"I would like to see this Crystal Onix myself." Tracey agreed.

"Alright. Lapras, Onwards to Sunburst Island." Ash  commanded.

"Lappp!" Lapras said, swimming towards Sunburst Island.


The gang arrived at Sunburst Island and what they saw was a bunch of shops selling things made out of glass.

"Sunburst Island is famous for its shops of things all made from glass." Tracey explained.

"Wow." Misty and Ash said with awe.

The gang walked down a street where there were a lot of glass shops. You could see glass ornaments everywhere; glass vases, glasses to drink out of, glass plates and bowls and even glass Pokémon figures.

"You're still keeping this junk shop open?" A man voice said, that sound very annoyed.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu right ear twitched.

The gang saw a little girl with pink hair, standing in front of a shop and a man who seemed to be scolding at the girl.

"You two should just close this shop," The man suggested in a rude tone, "Your brother has no talent of making glass figurines."

"Yes he does," The little girl said, sadly, "He's just having trouble."

"Come now. Don't start crying on me." The man backed away slightly.

The gang walked up to them.

"Maybe if you don't bully the girl she wouldn't have to cry." Misty stated.

The man looked at the gang, "Do you kids know her?" He sweat slightly.

"We don't have to know her but the way you're speaking to her is very mean." Misty frowned.

"Just because your shop is next to their shop doesn't give you the right to pick on them." Ash frowned as well.

The man backed away even more and then left but not before saying, "Sheesh, kids these days. Sticking their noses into someone else's business." He grumbled. "Their shop is killing my business."

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