Trovita Island

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The gang were on the boat that was taking them to Trovita Island where Ash will earn his third Orange League Gym Badge.

"Hey, what are those spiky rock things?" Misty asked, curiously, seeing lots of them.

"Oh those, are just rock formation that rose up from the ocean when Trovita Island rose as well." Tracey answered.

"What do you think the Trovita gym leader will be like, Ash?" Misty asked.

"I don't know," Ash shrugged, "All I can say is that the gym leader will give me tough challenges like Danny and Cissy did. Who knows what they could be?"

Pikachu and Eevee both blinked and then two more times, "Pika!/Eev!" They both exclaimed.

"Pikachu! (Someone is drowning!)" Pikachu exclaimed, pointing his paw towards the ocean.

The gang was shocked when they saw a little girl with a Pokémon, Seel and they were struggling against the whirlpool that trapped them.

"HELPPPP! Please, somebody! Help me!" The little girl screamed out.

"That little girl is drowning!" Tracey gasped.

"Dewgong, Lapras we need your help!" Ash sent out the sea lion Pokémon and the transport pokemon.

"Dewgong!" The Sea Lion Pokémon said, appearing.

"Lapras!" The transport pokemon said as he appeared.

"Let's go, Dewgong." Ash said, he took a deep breath and they both drove in.

Misty waited until they headed up to the surface. Then she spotted them.

"Ash! Over here!" Misty called out on his transport Pokémon.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu called out.

"Dewgong, let's get them both over to Lapras." Ash said.

Dewgong nodded, it swam towards the Transport Pokémon. Ash handed the little girl over to Misty, who grabbed her and place her on Kaiyō's back. Then they headed back to the boat.

"That was a close call. What exactly were you doing out there in the first place?" Ash asked, it was odd for a little girl to be out here in the first place, by herself especially.

Mahri frowned, "I was swimming with Seel near the beach, but the ocean pulled us out." She answered.

"You have to be careful in the ocean." Ash spoke up.

"Huh?" Mahri looked at Ash.

"The current can be dangerous, and you always make sure that you swim with other people around. Okay?" Ash said.

"Uh uh." Mahri nodded, with a smile.

"You are just like my cousin sister she is just like you" He said


When the gang reached the dock, they heard some voices.

"There she is!"

"She's okay?"

"Thank goodness."

Ash gently grabbed Mahri and lifted her up, placing her on top of the dock, "Here you go."

The little girl smiled at Ash, "Thank you." She said.

"Mahri!" The teen around 18 with dark auburn hair color, wearing a long sleeve black button shirt with a tan, grey vest, black pants and black shoes. Ember knew that this was Rudy the Trovita Island Gym Leader.

"Big brother!" The little girl, named Mahri ran towards Rudy and hugged him.

"Mahri, don't you ever go swimming alone ever again." Rudy scolded, gently.

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