Murcott Island

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Sometime after meeting Gastly and Haunter, Ash and the gang arrived at another island on Lapras.

"Thanks for the ride, Both of you." Ash thanked the Transport Pokémon.

"Lap. (No problem.)" Both the Lapras said smiling.

Ash returned Both lapras to there Pokéballs.

Tracey took out his two Pokéballs, "Okay Venonat, Marill, go!" He released his two Pokémon.


"Marill Marill."

"You seem to be excited to be on this island, Tracey." Ash stated.

"Well I've been wanting to visit this island for a long time, Ash." Tracey explained.

Suddenly a Beedrill flew by, and Misty gasped as she fell to her knees.

"What's the matter?" Tracey asked, confused.

Misty pointed in the direction where Beedrill flew off, "That was a Beedrill and a BIG one!"

"That's one of the reasons why I'm so happy to be here, Misty." Tracey smiled.

"What?" Misty asked, confused and scared.

"Murcott Island is home to all sorts of bug Pokémon." Tracey replied, happily.


"Well there's a Pokémon center here. So we can take Misty there first, then we can explore the island next." Tracey suggested.

"I think that would be a good idea. We don't want Misty to accidentally scare off all the bug Pokémon that Tracey wants to find." Ash agreed.

Misty pouted at that statement and then sighed.


So Ash and the gang went to find the Pokémon Center first. When suddenly Pikachu spotted something. Then ran off in that direction.

"Pikachu, where are you going?" Ash followed after Pikachu with the gang behind her.

Pikachu led them to a small clearing where they saw an injured Scyther. The gang ran over to it at once.

"We need to get this Scyther to the Pokémon center at once." Tracey decided.

At that moment, Scyther opened its eyes and saw the gang. They slightly flinched at the emotion in its eyes.

"It doesn't look too happy." Misty paled.

"I have something that will make you feel lots better." Tracey got out a potion from his rucksack.

Just as Tracey was about to spray the potion on Scyther's wounds, Scyther jumped up and got into battle position. Even though it was very weak, Scyther was somehow able to stand up.

"Amazing, Scyther is still able to stand even when its injured." Tracey commented, impressed.

"Please Scyther. We just want to help you." Ash pleaded, calmly.

"Pi. Pika pikachu Pika, Pikachu! (You're injured. If you don't get treatment soon you could possibly get captured easily by some other trainer or worse, die!)" Nova added.

Scyther stared at the group as if it was examining them. It sighed heavily as it fell to the ground. The gang ran over to it. Ash and Tracey helped it sit up. They knew that Scyther would be too weak and heavy for them to get it to the Pokémon Center in time.

"Scyther, I have an easier way to get you to the Pokémon Center, but you're not going to like it." Tracey stated. Scyther turned towards him when he took out a Pokéball, "I have to catch you. Once you're healed, I release you, okay?"

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