Navel Island

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Ash and the gang had quite the adventures for the last two weeks.

First the gang accidentally got washed up on Pinkan Island due to getting caught in a whirlpool and so they immediately when to find Officer Jenny who apparently works here because this island is highly protected by the Pokémon Reserve. The gang also found out that all the Pokémon on this island are all the color PINK! A special type of berry grows on this island, known as; Pinkan Berries and any Pokémon who eat the berries turned pink, also the Pokémon only stay pink if they eat the berry all the time.

As expected, Team Rocket had showed up who was being chased by a pink Ninoking. Before they could do their motto, Ash told Pikachu to use Thunder bolt which sent them blasting off. When the Ninoking had its attention on Officer Jenny and the gang, Ash quickly sent out Alakazam  and had him use Psychic to stop its attack. Then Ash took out his ocarina and performed Oración. The Ninoking calmed down and left the area. Officer Jenny told them that she can get them off the island on her boat, which they agreed, and they also promise to keep this Pinkan Island a secret.


Next the gang was passing through a town when they heard an announcement from the announcer telling people in town about a show on a boat. On the boat was a show called the Pokémon Showboat, a wonderful carnival where Pokémon can speak and perform plays.

Of course Pokémon couldn't really talk unless your Team Rocket's Sneasel and a powerful Pokémon. It was all human actors acting out their own voices from the backstage, while the Pokémon in the performance mimed the voices.

However there was a problem with one of the performers, a young actress from the performance named Kay, told them that she has been having problems with her Raichu ever since it shocked her early in their relationship and since then she was afraid of her Raichu and her Raichu was afraid of her. But all in the end, the problem was solved, Kay and her Raichu relationship was back to normal and now they are back to performing with the other actors and Pokémon.

Also, the gang all promised not to say anything about the secret of the Pokémon Act.


When they were at Kinnow Island, Ash and his Pokémon were training when they found two Pokémon eggs that were left near the beach while Ash, Pikachu, Eevee, and Lucario were taking a jog along the beach. Lucario suggested that they take the eggs with them. 


When the gang arrived at Navel Island, they looked around and saw the place was quiet and empty.

"Is it just me or this place seems deserted?" Ash questioned.

"Are you sure that this is Naval Island, Tracey?" Misty asked.

"I'm sure." Tracey confirmed.

"Well if this is Naval Island, where's the gym?" Ash pondered.

"Excuse me, are you all lost?" A male voice asked, from behind them.

The gang turned around and saw a man with short auburn hair and black eyes, wearing a light blue shirt with a white vest, long grey pants with a pair of grey boots and a big backpack on his shoulder. Ember knew that this man was Danny the Naval Island Gym Leader.

"Actually, we are. We're looking for the Navel Gym." Ash replied.

Danny smiled, "I will take you there. I know the gym very well." He offered, "The name's Danny Matsumoto by the way."

"Thanks, that would be great." Ash smiled.

"No worries," Danny said and turned around, "Follow me."

"This is the gym." Danny pointed out.

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