Mandarin Island

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The gang had come to an island called Mandarin Island and were having a break at a café. Ash wasn't exactly taking a break though; he had been battling trainers for a while since they arrived. 

Ash, Misty, Tracey and some of their Pokémon were sitting down at a table at a café, taking a break.

"It feels nice to take a break from traveling for a while." Misty said, sipping a cup of orange soda.

"Totally." Tracey took a sip of his iced tea.

"Yeah," Ash agreed, "I just hope I will have the chance to take a break before any more Pokémon trainers battle me."

"I wonder why so many trainers are battling here today." Misty pondered.

"Hey, guys! I have solved the mystery." Ash announced to the gang.

"What mystery?" Misty asked.

"The mystery of why everybody we meet here wants to battle. The answer's right in this flyer." Ash held up a flyer in his hand.

"Attention trainers, Pokémon lecture and battle demonstration by the one and only, Prima." Tracey read out loud.

"Really? Prima?" Misty asked, "a Kanto Elite Four member is here on this island?"

"I hear she has a house on the island and trains here in the off season. Once a week she shows off her different battling techniques." Tracey said.

"Wow, it would be cool to see them." Ash commented.

"What kind of member is Prima?" Misty asked.

"Prima is Lorelei Kanna who specializes in Ice-Type Pokémon. From what I read about, she's really powerful." Ash replied.

"I want to meet her! She sounds amazing!" Misty beamed.

"Amazing am I?" said a voice behind Misty.

When Misty turned round, to see where the voice came from, she was surprised to see that the owner of the voice was Lorelei Kanna, one of the Elite Four. She was a young beautiful woman, with long purple-red hair that was in a low ponytail, tied with a Pokéball hair tie and green eyes that was behind a pair of glasses, she wore red top with a dark blue business jacket, black skirt with black heels.

"P-P-Prima." Misty stuttered out.

"Misty, breathe and calm down." Ash advised.

Misty did just that, "It's an honor to meet you, Lorelei. My name is Misty waterflower, I'm a Water Pokémon Trainer." She introduced herself.

Lorelei greeted Mairin back and then turned to look at the ocean. Tracey was about to talk to Lorelei, when she shushed him.

"The ocean is so beautiful," she said, "the gentle wind blows like it's speaking, and you can feel the salty air on your face. The blue sky and ocean make's this spot the most beautiful place in the world." From the way how Lorelei spoke, Ash can tell that Lorelei really liked nature. After listening to her speaking, Ash walked up to her.

"Excuse me Lorelei," he said, "my name is Ash Ketchum. And I would like to battle you please."

Misty and Tracey were surprised with what Ash said.

"You see I have watched the Elite Four members like you battle on TV before. So I would like to have a chance to battle you and see what it feels like to battle an Elite Four member. So please say yes." Ash pleaded.

"Pika! (Please say yes!)" Pikachu said.

Lorelei smiled. "I accept your challenge, Ash. Is one on one, okay?"

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