Valencia Island

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The gang soon reached Valencia Island.

Misty seeing the orange island, "Wow, this really looks like a tropical island."

"Well it did say in the brochure that the Orange Islands are a lot of islands." Brock commented.

They soon landed on the ground with ash pokemon as ash thanked them for long travel as he send them to rest in their pokeball, and the gang got their luggage from salamence back. Then they started walking down a path.

"Say Ash, how do we get to Prof. Ivy's lab?" Brock asked.

"I'm afraid I don't remember it's being a long time since I came here," Ash replied, "We need to ask someone."

Pikachu spotted something and points to it, "Pi Pikachu! (Ash, look!)"

"Hm?" Ash looked in the direction where Pikachu was pointing at and spotted a Pokémon Center, "Maybe we can ask Nurse Joy there for directions."


They entered the Pokémon Center and asked Nurse Joy for directions.

"Um excuse me, Nurse Joy, could please tell us the way to Prof. Ivy's lab?" Ash asked.

"Oh it's very easy. You go straight out of the Pokémon Centre," Nurse Joy pointed forward, "take the first left and it's the big white building at the end of Bayview Road."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy." Ash thanked her.

The gang left the Pokémon Centre and thanks to Nurse Joy's directions, they found the whole building.

"Here we are." Ash said, knocking on the door but got no answer.

"Maybe no one's home?" Misty guessed.

"Hello? Is anyone home Hope,faith and charity anyone there?" Ash called out.

Suddenly, the door opens, and they are met with three girls, all who were wearing round glasses.

"Ash" They all said in unison as they all hugged him.

"Okay it's all nice to meet you after many years but please leave me and introduce yourself to my other friends as well" He said as they got off him leaving pikachu and eevee.

"I'm Charity." The girl with pink shirt said.

"I'm Faith." The girl with green shirt said.

"And I'm Hope." The girl with orange shirt said.

"And we're Professor Ivy's assistants!" They ended together.

Where can we find Prof. Ivy now?" Ash asked.

"If you want the Prof.—" Hope answered.

"—She's at the bay—" Charity responded.

"—Looking after the Pokémon." Faith finished.

"We'll take you to her right now!" They said in unison.


The three girls let them inside, where they lead them to the beach. What instantly caught their attention when they got there, the first thing that they saw was a Gyarados coming out of the sea. Misty was about to freak out until they saw a woman petting the water Pokémon.

"I think you're all better and stronger every still day." The woman smiled as the Pokémon gives her a low growl in approval. The woman had shoulder length purple hair, she was in the sea water, swimming with the Gyarados, a Cloyster and a Poliwhirl as well.

Her action had everyone stunned and amazed.

"Professor!" Hope called out.

"Prof. Oak Jr assistant and his friends are here," Faith continued.

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