Trovitopolis City

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After travelling through what seemed to be a desert, the gang had finally arrived at a city known as Trivitopolis.

"Finally. We're here." Ash said.

"Wow." Misty awed.

"Trovitopolis City is the largest city ever on West Mandarin City." Tracey informed.

"Let's go and get something to eat." Ash suggested.

"You said it." Misty agreed.


"Huh?" Ash blinked.

Pikachu noticed the ground, "PIKACHU! (YOU'RE KIDDING ME!)" he exclaimed.

Before anyone could react, the ground gave way.

"Ahhhhhh!" The gang fell through the hole into the ground.


Underground, the gang expect for the Pokémon were unconscious.

"Pika. (Please wake up.)" Pikachu shook Ash's arm.

Ash groaned as he felt a slight headache pasting through, "Pikachu?" he got up slowly.

Misty opened her eyes and smiled at her Pokémon, "Togepi?"

Togepi smiled and cheered.

As they both are awake when they heard Tracey voice

"Help! Get me out of here!" Tracey's muffled voice caught their attention.

They turned to see him halfway buried in the ground with only his legs sticking out.

"Don't worry Tracey, we'll get you out of here." Ash assured him.

Misty grabbed Tracey's right leg while Ash grabbed Tracey's left leg. They pulled until he finally popped out.

"I was really stuck in there. Thanks a lot." Tracey thanked them.

"You can thank me by getting off of me, Tracey." Ash said, annoyed with narrow eyes.

Tracey looked down and noticed that he was sitting on Ash's back.

"Oh, sorry about that." Tracey apologized with wide eyes.

Pikachu and Eevee sighed.

"What's that up ahead?" Mairin asked, looking ahead.

Tracey saw a tunnel in the cave, "Looks like a tunnel."

"Let's go." Ash said. "It's better than staying here."


The gang walked through the tunnel till they saw light.

"This is a sewer." Ash said.

"Well we're in luck then. All we have to do is find the manhole cover and climb out of here." Tracey added.

"Let's go look for one." Ash decided.

The gang started to walk to try to find a way out.

"Trying to get out of here won't be easy." Tracey said

"What do you mean" Misty asked

"Sewers have many twist and turns like underground tunnels do." Ash replied


"Pikachu?" Pikachu ears twitched.

"Um? A bell?" Ash blinked

Misty looked back "I didn't hear anything."

Suddenly something grabbed Misty which caused her to scream. Everyone turned to her scream and saw a vine whip Wrapped around her and togepi.

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