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The next time Jaeyun met Sunghoon in college he filled him in on his stubborn patient and how very exasperated he had felt the day Heeseung went only to ask for his phone number.

"I swear nothing I said convinced him to back down! Not even when I sad I was in a relationship! It was so infuriating and freaking annoying," Jaeyun ranted to Sunghoon during his break.

"Wait, relationship? As in, you and Sunjae?" Sunghoon asked taken aback.

"Well, yeah. I wasn't going to let him know that my so called relationship was actually just a physical one. I don't even know the guy for god's sake."

Sunghoon nodded, "well, maybe this new guy really wants to get to know you. He did say he wants to."

Jaeyun scoffed and shook his head, "please, he's probably just into my face. You know, you said the same thing about Sunjae and look where I am now. Such a good friend you are."

"What? I did not say the same thing! Back then, it looked like Sunjae was actually in love with you and not just into your body. Now I can see that and I know you do too, which is why I don't understand what you're doing with him still..."

Jaeyun sighed at this, clearly exhausted from overthinking that same thing himself.

"Honestly Sunghoon, I just don't know what to do. It's been going on for quite a while and it's my current 'normalcy.' It's... scary for me to either stop whatever it is we have going on or confront him and ask for more. Maybe he never wanted more and I'm just stupid and a hopeless romantic that dreams of more. Change seems too terrifying."

"But it's eating you up, Jake. It's not healthy and it's not good for you at all. He's like sucking out all your happiness and expectations on finding real love."

Jaeyun let his head hang back a little, closing his eyes and staying silent for a minute.

"Well, maybe there is no real love for me. Maybe I'm not meant to be loved by him, or anyone for that matter. Maybe I'm just here on this earth to give but never to receive."

"No. Definitely not, Jake," Sunghoon said very serious. "Everybody's meant to be loved the right way, everyone including you. Never believe that you're an exception to this rule. Wait, has he ever told you that?" Sunghoon was starting to turn furiously red.

"No, no, no. Not at all Sunghoon, I just–" Jaeyun sighed and clasped his hands together, "I'm just an over-thinker and this thoughts have crossed my mind. But no one ever told me that, trust me."

Sunghoon was a little resigned but he was not giving up on making his friend realize he wasn't in a good place "romantically."

"Maybe you could try talking to him about your feelings?"

Jaeyun fell silent for a second.

"What if it scares him away?"

Sunghoon sighed, "then he wasn't the one for you."

Sunghoon gave Jaeyun's shoulder a light reassuring squeeze and left for his class.


A week later Jaeyun was all smiles. He had talked to Sunjae on Friday and it didn't go bad at all in Jaeyun's opinion.

They didn't come to terms with a label for their relationship but now Jaeyun had heard Sunjae say he liked him too! Something that had never happened before, so Jaeyun was on cloud nine.

Even Lee Heeseung showing at the clinic didn't shake his good mood the next Monday afternoon.

Until it did.

"Jaeyun-ah, Lee Heeseung is here to see you!" Mr. Cha called out from behind his desk in the lobby.

"Let him in Mr. Cha!" Jaeyun responded.

Just five seconds later Heeseung was sitting in front of Jaeyun inside the latter's cubicle.

"Is anything wrong with the wound, Heeseung?"

"Nope, it's healing smoothly," Heeseung answered.

"I'll check it just to be sure, alright? Lift your leg and lay it on top of this chair please," Jaeyun demanded calmly.

"Sure," and Heeseung did as told.

After making sure all was good, Jaeyun bandaged the wound back up and gave a small smile to his patient, "this is great! It looks like its healing was faster than I had expected! It should be all better in a fortnight."

"In a fortnight?" Heeseung asked, "so, in two weeks?"

Jaeyun nodded, "exactly, now you're free to go! Have a nice recovery!"

Heeseung didn't get up though.

"So, I can have your number in two weeks?"

Jaeyun blinked twice before breathing in deep through his nose and exhaling slowly.

"I thought we had discussed this already, Heeseung."

"And I thought that I said I wasn't giving up nor backing down."

"Lee Heeseung. You can't just keep doing this, I have a boyfriend and we have been together for almost a year. In fact, everything's changing for the better so, please, just stop."

Jaeyun was getting a little fed up with Heeseung's insistence so he went back to sit behind his desk.

"I understand that you might not really believe me when I say I want to get to know you and that I sincerely like you, but I know you're unhappy with him. And it pains me to see you being mistreated."

Jaeyun was getting irked now, "Look, you can't just assume something about someone you've never even met! You don't even know me, and you most certainly don't know him so just leave me alone."

Heeseung was about to say something when Jaeyun cut him off.

"You can see yourself out, Lee Heeseung. I hope you recover well."

And Heeseung couldn't say another word. Jaeyun could be very direct and cold when he wanted to.

Heeseung did want to get to know him, but he wasn't going to force him to open up. He left after thanking Jaeyun for the check up.

Inside Jaeyun's head there were many angry things he wanted to shout.

What does he know about Sunjae and I? Nothing! He's just interested in my face, seriously! Why is he trying so hard just for my phone number? What's his plan anyway? Ugh, so frustrating.

Jaeyun didn't want to be unprofessional, but after a couple hours and calming down he thought he had been somewhat mean towards Heeseung. He couldn't undo his reaction and take back what he said then, but he still felt a little sorry.

"Hahh... all this overthinking just exhausted the heck out of me. Mr. Cha, I'm heading out for the night! Want me to help you close up?"

Mr. Cha accepted the help and they both bid their goodbyes before parting ways.

As he was about to reach his apartment building, Jaeyun noticed there was someone outside that looked familiar.

"Sunjae! What brings you here this late?"

Sunjae brought his attention to Jaeyun and let a smile into his face, "I was waiting for you to come back from work of course. I brought some chicken and soju for us. Up for a drink?"

Jaeyun felt uneasy because he had work early the next morning, but he was so happy that Sunjae was there to eat with him that he accepted anyways.

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Stirring up the pot~

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