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Monday once again.

Jaeyun skipped in the early morning towards the bus stop, this time taking a different route. It was pretty lonely since it was so early, but he thanked that was the case because he didn't want anyone to see him on the other bus he would take carrying the bouquet of flowers he planned to buy.

It wasn't something extraordinary, just a small arrangement of purple foxtails.

Once he had done his purchase and was on his way taking the second bus, he received a call. It was Heeseung.

"Good morning Hee."

"Morning Jaeyun, why do you sound so awake? Doesn't your shift start two hours from now?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to have breakfast early. Besides, I woke up with tons of energy today. Cool, right?"

"Definitely. I miss you."

"I know you do."

"So romantic."

"That's always me."

"Have you showered yet?"

"Yeap! Done getting ready. What about you?"

"I'm just getting in my car. Since it's early I'll be in my office in like 10 minutes. Talk to you later?"


Once the call was over Jaeyun squealed in happiness. The bus stopped and he got down. The place wasn't something he knew but he could see the parking lot entrance so he walked there. And just like he had predicted, Heeseung arrived 10 minutes after their call.

Heeseung started towards the elevator when Jaeyun called out to him.

"Psst! Hee!"

Heeseung didn't recognize the voice at first since it was barely audible and the echo didn't help.

"Hee! Over here!"

Heeseung looked where he heard the voice was coming from and he spotted a hand waving at him from behind a car next to a column.

Skeptically he approached the place but couldn't catch a clear glimpse of who was calling him. In fact, once he arrived he didn't see anyone anywhere. Chills ran down his spine. He was about to turn around and leave when he felt a presence behind him.

Holy shit he thought.

"Hee, I'm here," Jaeyun whispered in his ear causing the latter to scream and jump very startled.

"Jaeyun?! Oh God why would you do this to me so early!?!?" Heeseung had both his hands over his chest like his heart would jump right out of it.

Jaeyun was only smiling widely, "I wanted to surprise you!"

Heeseung was surprised. Seeing Jaeyun smiling at him so brightly made him feel instantly better though.

"You succeeded. Aw, did you come to me because I said I missed you?"

Jaeyun shook his head.

nursing a broken heart | heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now