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After finishing the fruit, they decided eggs benedict was the way to go. Heeseung insisted on helping with the food, so Jaeyun had to let him and they cooked together.

The whole ordeal felt so comfortably donestic Jaeyun couldn't keep his face from flushing everytime Heeseung went too close to him.

And of course, Heeseung was doing so on purpose as well. Now that he knew he could proceed with his flirtatious advances, there was nothing holding him back.

"You're pretty forward for someone who works in an office all day," Jaeyun teased.

"You're pretty," Heeseung replied. The smirk on his face was triumphant for rendering Jaeyun speechless and blushing.

"Can't you not throw so many compliments towards me? I'm literally trying my best not to kiss you right now," Jaeyun spat agitated at Heeseung.

Now he had rendered Heeseung speechless. The silence after Jaeyun's words was deafening. The ticking of the clock in Jaeyun's room could be heard all the way to the kitchen.

"Be careful, Jaeyun. I'm the one that's been holding back from kissing you since I first saw you," Heeseung retaliated.

Jaeyun turned off the stove and suddenly was facing Heeseung, but the stare didn't last long, both had looked away and Jaeyun had walked all the way to his living room. He feared the older could hear his heart pounding against his chest.

"I can't. I can't keep doing this. You know, you're really selfish Heeseung." Jaeyun had turned his body so he was looking at Heeseung, who had stayed in the kitchen.

"Since meeting you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Even when I thought I succeeded and started concentrating on something else you suddenly pop in my head again. And then you'd appear in front of me and I had no escape!"

Heeseung stayed silent again. He just needed to hear Jaeyun open up to him about him this time, no one else but him, Heeseung.

"Either way, it was so rude of you to just show up in my life and make me realize everything I was going through wasn't my fault. You changed the way I see everything, even myself. Because of you I could leave behind a dark chapter in my life. Because of you, I could free myself from my past insecurities. Because of you... I realized I fell for you," Jaeyun finished. His hands were shaking and he thanked the distance between him and Heeseung, because he needed to calm down.

"But that's not all. I also realized I had finally moved on from my past relationship because I was so angry you asked about that when all I wanted you to ask was something, anything related to what happened when I was drunk. I wanted you to only think about me, and fuck, I hate how egotistic that sounds. But it's the truth. So, Heeseung... I'm sorry for snapping at you last Saturday. Trust me, I know I messed up badly—

Jaeyun was interrupted by Heeseung now, "woah, woah, wait a minute. You didn't mess up anything. I did, I was the coward who couldn't ask about the drunken incident. You had every right to be mad at me after being so clear about the date. I messed up."

"No?! It was completely normal that you reacted that way. How could I have expected to have you magically know my intentions had changed from one day to the next when I had spent months brushing you off? I was the one that messed up!"

Both had slowly and unconsciously started walking towards each other, now standing in front of the door, facing each other, just two meters of space between them.

"You asked me out! You literally used those words, so I should have been brave and asked you what I really wanted to ask."

"But I could have also said something! When you asked me if I remembered last Friday, I could have been forward and talked about the kiss! It's all my fault!"

"No, it isn't, okay?! You're not the one to blame, Jaeyun!"

"Neither are you, Heeseung! I should have just told you I wanted to kiss you then too, when I was sane and sober, and then I wouldn't have missed you for a whole week!" Jaeyun screamed.

"Well, you just said it, so what now? Can I kiss you? Is it okay?" Heeseung yelled back.

"Yes! You can! I don't know what's taking you so—

Before Jaeyun could finish his sentence, Heeseung had once again interruped him by bringing Jaeyun's body against his own by his waist. One hand firmly pressed around Jaeyun's waist, now Heeseung realized how good it felt to hold him like that.

Jaeyun's expression showed surprise. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes searched Heeseung's in expectation.

"If I kiss you right now," Heeseung whispered, "that means you accept my feelings for you. So, can I really kiss you?"

Jaeyun gulped and looked from Heeseung's lips to his eyes.

"If you kiss me, then it will mean that you accept my feelings too," Jaeyun breathed. His breath crashed against Heeseung's mouth and it sent a shiver right down his spine.

"This time you won't be able to act like nothing happened, Jaeyun," Heeseung warned in a low voice.

Jaeyun shifted in his place, goosebumps traveling through his whole body, "you're one to talk."

"You're not gonna regret this? Are you sure I can kiss you?" Heeseung insisted.

They both knew the moment the step was taken, their whole relationship would change.

But the brunette couldn't keep this going, not when they were so close, not when they were all alone.

"Jesus, you take too long," Jaeyun muttered and went to meet his lips with Heeseung's, sealing the awaited kiss passionately like two lovers who hadn't seen each other for years.

Yearning for each other. Savoring every move and every touch. Heeseung's hand held Jaeyun's head and Jaeyun was holding onto Heeseung's shoulders like his life depended on it.

"I think we should calm down," Heeseung mumbled between kisses, unable to stop.

"I don't want to," Jaeyun affirmed and kept kissing his lips. The skin on Jaeyun's body burned with euphoria, he simply couldn't get enough of Heeseung.

"Jaeyun," Heeseung breathed heavily, "I don't know if I'll be able to stop if we keep going."

And Jaeyun knew what he meant, he could feel it  and he knew Heeseung did, too.

"Let's not go all the way right now," Heeseung said gently as he continued to kiss Jaeyun's face and neck. "Just let me keep delighting myself on your sweet lips."

"Alright," Jaeyun smiled against Heeseung's lips, his request was so careful he couldn't resist him.

Breakfast was finally cooked well past noon.

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But now while sober 🤭

See you~


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