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Thursdays were the calmest days at the clinic. Jaeyun liked thursdays. He liked having more time to relax and talk with Mr. Cha. Which is what he was currently doing.

"So when Sunghoon met Sunoo he thought he was the most exaggerated, unreal, full of himself guy he had ever met. They were polar opposites and Sunghoon actually disliked Sunoo. He was selective with the people he surrounded himself with while Sunoo was nice to everyone. Of course, to Sunghoon that was just him being fake, he judged him without knowing him. But then something weird happened, that up to this day I am not aware of, and now they're very much in love."

Jaeyun was telling Mr. Cha about his best friend and how he had come to see him all Sunday.

"That's why he said he wouldn't pick up if he was with Sunoo. Nothing come's before his sunshine," Jaeyun said laughing along with Mr. Cha.

"Did you say the same about Sunjae?" Mr. Cha asked innocently.

Jaeyun flinched. "N-no..." His smile faded a little.

"Why not?" Mr. Cha asked, genuine worry showing on his face.

Jaeyun didn't know how to respond. He trusted Mr. Cha and knew he cared about him, but it had been only four days since he last saw Sunjae and he was just starting to understand his own feelings.

After a long minute were Jaeyun thought about it, he decided it would be good to vent a little.

"Well, for starters him and I aren't... I won't see him again. He crossed the line and finally hurt me."

Mr. Cha had a look of sorrow. Jaeyun continued talking.

"Apparently, he went to this party last week, which my best friend, Sunghoon, also attended, and he saw the guy kissing someone else. He didn't just tell me, he sent me videos too because he didn't want me to confront the guy without proof. Sunghoon thought he might've tried to slither his way out of the situation so he could keep me. He showed up at my apartment while Sunghoon was there and I ended up talking to him outside. It didn't go so well, he was nasty about the situation and wanted to make excuses for his behavior. I wasn't willing to listen but he wouldn't let me go, he grabbed my wrist very hard, fortunately someone helped me."

Jaeyun sighed. He was still unable to figure out why Lee Heeseung had helped him. He wasn't sure about his intentions, it made Jaeyun very uneasy.

"Lee Heeseung was passing by and he helped me. He did what I couldn't muster up the courage to and scared him away."

Mr. Cha nodded understandingly, "that's why you haven't been using your left hand that much... Oh, Jaeyun-ah, I'm so sorry that happened to you; I am glad that Sunghoon and Heeseung were there for you though."

"I mean, so am I but it still feels weird to me. Sunghoon is my best friend so I know why he helped me, but Lee Heeseung is just a patient. I can't seem to figure out what he actually wants from me," Jaeyun said.

Mr. Cha let a tender smile on his face.

"Jaeyun-ah, he's clearly interested in you. He's asked for your number and he wants to get to know you. It couldn't be more obvious."

Jaeyun shook his head, "that's what he wants us to believe, but I don't trust it. He could be faking everything and I would just let somebody else hurt me. I don't want to let that happen again, Mr. Cha."

Mr. Cha kept the tender smile but his face turned saddened, "I understand this wound is fresh in your heart and mind, so it's completely normal to be so cautious about who you let into your life, but I said this before, Jaeyun-ah. Not everyone's like Sunjae. You gotta trust this old man and his instincts. I've met my fair share of fake intentions and Lee Heeseung isn't one of them."

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