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‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

Okay, now things had definitely gone south.

Jaeyun woke up to a ton of messages from Sunghoon and a couple of those were recordings. He didn't want to see them right away because he was still waking up so he took a shower and freshened up to see the texts properly.

Now that he was definitely awake he opened the chat and read.

Sunghoonie 🐧

Jake, I know you must be sleeping
But I was at a party and this happened...
Sent at 2:34 a.m.

There was a short video. He clicked on it. It started playing and the music was evidently loud, so nothing could be heard. It looked a little dark but everything was easy to tell apart, and in the back of the room there were two people very close to each other. A man and a woman.

Jaeyun didn't really know what he was supposed to see. Maybe Sunghoon had a little too much to drink and just sent him a random video.

Except there was another video below. He opened it and saw that it was a close up of the last one. At least that's what it looked like, though this time the couple wasn't just talking, but also kissing.

Okay, so two people kissed, what's the big deal?

Then Jaeyun saw the guy better because he had turned to face the camera without actually noticing it.

He felt like a bucket of iced water was poured on him.

It was Sunjae. Sunjae, the guy Jaeyun hadn't heard from in days because he was "too busy."

Sunjae, the guy Jaeyun had just talked with weeks back about his feelings.

Sunjae, who claimed he liked Jaeyun as well.

The guy Jaeyun had been letting in his apartment and in his life for almost a year, kissing someone else.

The whole room felt like it was looking at Jaeyun. Every part of his apartment reminded him of all those nights were he would let Sunjae have his way with him.

And every time he told himself it was because Sunjae liked him.

Jaeyun let out a muffled choke because of the lump in his throat. He felt completely and utterly devastated.

He didn't know what to think anymore.

He didn't want to think about it but nothing else seemed to occupy his mind.

If this happened just last night after they had talked things out... then it could've definitely happened before. It must have. It was outrageous. And Jaeyun felt stupid over and over again.

Sunghoon had told him to be careful, to be clear about things with Sunjae.

Mr. Cha told him that there were people who could treat him like he deserved, since he didn't like Sunjae.

But Jaeyun wasn't thinking that it was his supposed lover's fault. He started blaming himself.

I must have been just some distraction for him. Just someone to have a good time every once in a while. He never loved me.... he never even liked me. And here I was thinking we could work...

Jaeyun couldn't help but feel his whole world turn black and white. But he didn't cry. He just turned off his phone and started cleaning his apartment.

Every little corner was washed and wiped clean. His pillows where Sunjae's smell had lingered weeks back were washed twice, and his bed sheets, thrice. Everything that reminded him of his time with Sunjae was swept away.

He finished cleaning everything by 7 p.m. and the sun was starting to go down. He showered and only then did he feel hunger. Maybe it was because he hadn't had anything to eat all day, but he also felt dazed, like in some sort of trance.

He let his legs take him to the kitchen and his hands cook something quick, eating it after and washing the dishes right away.

The second his body hit his newly washed bed he fell into deep slumber, unable to know he was being called non-stop by Sunghoon because of his turned-off phone.

Jaeyun went to sleep and woke up only after 8 a.m. the next morning.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth to finish waking up. Once he had changed out of his pajamas, he saw his phone on the kitchen counter. He turned it on and suddenly every text and missed call announced itself. Not even halfway through the sounds he noticed a text that wasn't from Sunghoon, but from Sunjae.

"The nerve this guy has," Jaeyun said to himself.

Sunjae sent a "hi baby," and that was it. He had sent it the day before at 11 p.m. Way too late for Jaeyun to notice.

Then, after all the buzzing and sounds stopped, a new text from him popped up. It read "Are you home?" at 12 a.m.

He decided to ignore Sunjae and call Sunghoon back. His best friend must be worried sick and Jaeyun wasn't proud of just disconnecting from the world after what he was told.

The phone didn't finish the first ring when the call was answered.

"Hello? Jake? Is it you?" Sunghoon asked frantically on the other side of the line.

Jaeyun cleared his throat before speaking. He hadn't said too much so his voice was hoarse.

"Hi Sunghoon, it's me... Can you come over?"

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

Hi, the old Jaeyunie can't come to the phone right now...
Why? Oh! Cuz he was cheated on! 😀

As you all now by now, I love angst...

Have a fun read! 🥰


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