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Finally Friday.

The day of Heeseung's company event had finally arrived and Jaeyun didn't want to think too much about it, but his mind constantly reminded him of it.

He tried to distract himself from any related thoughts by keeping himself busy. He attended a handful of students and one of them, a sophomore girl, had come in a frantic state because she had a minor cut on her knee. Even though it was small, she was completely heartbroken when Jaeyun said he'd have to at least do two stitches.

She went pale and then started crying her eyes out, saying how she wouldn't be attractive anymore and many other things. Jaeyun assured her that if she let him stitch her and took proper care of the wound, in a couple months it would be as though it never happened.

This seemed to calm her down a little and she finally let Jaeyun stitch her.

"You're so nice, teach. You must be used to this kind of things, huh?" She said after he had cleaned the wound.

"Not really, but I did stitch a bigger cut a little over a month back. Compared to that cut, yours is no problem. The other patient healed pretty great, actually. It was almost two months ago and he's already playing basketball again."

Jaeyun went back to thinking about Heeseung. Damn it.

"Really? But, how do you know? Don't you like never get close with patients? What's going on~?" She asked amused.

Jaeyun blushed for a second but immediately regained composure.

"Nothing's going on. That patient just needed a couple check-ups due to the gravity of his wound so it was my duty to keep him in check."

She didn't further into the conversation because she saw Jaeyun get the needle and went silent. In twenty minutes he was done and had given her the instructions to care for her wound correctly.

"So, everyone's been wondering but, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked before her friends came to get her.

"That's classified information, young lady." Jaeyun said with a small smile.

"Awww come on, teach! I'm not gonna blabber it to anyone! Why won't you tell me?"

Jaeyun sighed, "that's very personal, it's not that I don't want to say it but I can't."

She suddenly gasped.

"Don't tell me... does our school nurse Sim Jaeyun... swing the other way?" She asked almost whisper screaming.

He was starting to feel uncomfortable but he wasn't going to deny it, he wasn't ashamed of it, he just didn't feel the need to let everyone in the school he currently works at know about his preferences.

"Look, I don't have a girlfriend, alright? There's nothing going on in my life romantically so please, refrain from speculating and bringing up false rumors because–"

Jaeyun was cut off by a couple knocks at the infirmary's door. He sighed and got up.

"It must be your friends, I'll open the door for them."

"Why would my friends knock...?" The girl asked herself in a low voice.

Jaeyun was definitely not expecting what happened next.

"W-what? How did you know... Why are you here?" Jaeyun asked quickly.

Heeseung was standing right in front of him, suit on and a brown bag in one of his hands while the other one was running through his hair.

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