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"No way!" Sunghoon screamed.

Kim Sunoo covered his ears in response, "what? what?!"

Sunghoon looked at his startled boyfriend and kissed his forehead, "sorry babe, I just can't believe what Jakeu sent me three minutes ago!"

Sunoo leaned in to see the screen of Sunghoon's phone and also exclaimed, although not as loud.

"OH MY GOD!" Sunoo whisper yelled. "Is this real?!"

Sunghoon shrugged but a smile didn't leave his face.

"It better be, or consider Jakeu's murder my second crime."

Sunoo looked at Sunghoon with a questioning expression, "second?"

Sunghoon nodded, "yes. My first crime was ever treating you badly," he whispered as he kissed Sunoo's cheek several times.

"Oh geez, so cheesy!" Sunoo said laughing while Sunghoon kept peppering his face with tiny kisses. Sunoo took advantage of one of those moments and turned his face so their lips met quickly. Sunghoon froze and Sunoo had a bright grin.

"So sneaky," Sunghoon teased.

"Look who's talking, can we remember who stalked who?" Sunoo teased and Sunghoon couldn't argue back, "exactly."

"In my defense, I wasn't stalking you. I just wanted to see you again," Sunghoon added smiley.

"Well, you got what you wanted. Happy?" Sunoo asked.

"Immensely," Sunghoon stated.

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"Can't you try to be a little subtle? Everyone's looking this way..."

"Why would I want to be subtle? You're my amazing boyfriend now, I can't act as if we're just friends."

"But isn't having your hand in my jean's back pocket a bit much...?"

Heeseung looked behind them both and noticed a girl staring at them with her mother who was very distracted looking through her phone.

"I don't think it's appropriate to be like this in this place, Hee," Jaeyun insisted very flustered. He had noticed the little girl's stare minutes back.

Heeseung gave in and took out his hand from Jaeyun's jeans but just brought it around his waist instead, never really letting go.

Jaeyun sighed smiling, "I guess that's better."

"My hand was very comfortable where it was, though," Heeseung mumbled in Jaeyun's ear.

Jaeyun hid behind his hands in embarrassment for a second. This new side to Heeseung was completely unexpected and something he wasn't used to at all. Since their little chat that morning, Heeseung hadn't stopped showing affection towards him and Jaeyun was not used to all that.

He wasn't complaining, though. Just very aware of all the stares they were getting, especially from the little girl. It was the one he had attended at the clinic and who had given him cookies as a thank you.

He thanked himself for dying his hair, it seemed like the little girl couldn't recognize him.

"What are you thinking?" Heeseung asked, his face suddenly too close to Jaeyun's.

nursing a broken heart | heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now