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‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

Weeks passed and after that night with the chicken and soju with Sunjae, Jaeyun didn't hear much from him. The day after he was so sore and tired that he fell asleep during his break time instead of eating. And on his way to the clinic he almost missed his stop on the bus.

Something didn't feel right to Jaeyun, and it became more clear that things were strange when Mr. Cha asked him about Heeseung after three weeks of last seeing him.

"Do you think Lee Heeseung's leg has healed by now, Jaeyun-ah?"

Jaeyun nodded, "yeah, for sure. Last time he came I checked the wound and told him that in two weeks he would be all better. Maybe that's why he didn't come again."

"Yeah, you might be right but it's still strange. He had been coming in just to chat before that day, but you were normally busy so he asked me not to disturb you. He's a very nice young man. I think he's about a year older than you."

"Really?" Jaeyun had no idea he had come to see him often. "Did he ever ask you for my phone number?"

Jaeyun thought that if Heeseung had asked Mr. Cha for it then he was definitely too pushy and desperate.

"He never did. He only just asked me if you were around and if you were busy, which was the case every time."

Huh. So he isn't that desperate... but still way too pushy.

Mr. Cha laughed a little which brought back Jaeyun to their current conversation.

"What's the matter?" Jaeyun asked smiling.

"I knew Lee Heeseung was interested in you. No sane person would come everyday to see you just because of a leg injury that had already been treated."

Jaeyun was in disbelief, "yes, well you're right about that Mr. Cha. He isn't a sane person. I've told him time after time that I don't associate with patients and that I have a partner and he still doesn't back down. He's unbelievably stubborn."

Mr. Cha turned his short laughs into a gentle smile and looked at Jaeyun.

"Yes?" Jaeyun asked after just being stared at.

Mr. Cha sighed, "you know, Jaeyun-ah, not everyone is the same as Sunjae."

"Yes, I know," Jaeyun said a little too proudly.

"What I mean is, there are people that will care for you and treat you like you deserve."

Jaeyun was baffled now. Did he mean that Heeseung was someone who would treat him better? Was he implying that he didn't think Sunjae treated him good?

"But it is none of my business so I won't be nosy and tell you how you should live your life. I'm just a concerned old man, is all."

Mr. Cha stood up and went behind his desk in the lobby, their break time had finished and they had to open the clinic again.

Jaeyun stood up and opened the clinic door in a daze. He never thought Mr. Cha would think that way about his relationship with Sunjae. He only though that Sunghoon said all those things because he knew about the whole situation.

Mr. Cha only knew so much and most of it was because he witnessed the gifts he seldom received from Sunjae. You'd think that after witnessing that, Mr. Cha would have thought Sunjae treated him great.

Which sadly wasn't their reality.

After closing that night, he went home still thinking about what his relationship really meant. It definitely wasn't normal that he hadn't seen or heard from Sunjae in weeks. He wondered what he might be so busy with to not contact his so called boyfriend.

At least he thought that's what he was.

He was decided to just shower, have a nice meal and fall asleep until late the next day because it was Saturday.

On his way back he stopped at a convenience store to buy ramyeon, and there were only a couple (literally two) packs left of his favorite one. He meant to grab both, so next time he craved it he wouldn't need to buy more, when another hand grabbed onto his hand, also reaching for the ramyeon.

"Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there," Jaeyun said a little flustered and looked to his right to see Lee Heeseung, who was already staring back at him, clearly surprised.

"No, no, I didn't see you either."

Jaeyun never believed he would see such an expression on Lee Heeseung's face, but he was actually very embarrased and he had no idea why.

"You can have them, I can take another kind," Jaeyun said smiling.

"Oh, I couldn't. You take them, I'll buy Shin ramen."

Jaeyun shook his head, "at least take one, then. I wasn't going to eat the other one either way. I can buy more another day."

Lee Heeseung kept looking away too often and Jaeyun noticed his cheeks were flustered too.

He put one and two together.

"Have you been drinking, Lee Heeseung?"

Heeseung froze. He was specifically told not to drink if he kept taking medicine.

"Um, maybe, just a little bit," Heeseung said looking away.

Jaeyun made a stern face at Heeseung and the latter only looked at him for a second.

"But I'm not taking any medicine now. Actually, I haven't for more than three days so it's out of my system by now, right?" Heeseung said to back himself up.

Jaeyun thought about it for a second and Heeseung wasn't doing anything wrong after all, besides that it wasn't even working hours for him and he was very tired at the moment.

"Then you don't need to be so embarrased."

Heeseung was embarrased though, "I do. I didn't want you to see me like this before I could be on your good side."

"Oh," was Jake's response. He didn't think being a little tipsy was a reason to not like another person. Unfortunately, there were other reasons why Jaeyun couldn't agree to Heeseung's previous requests anyways.

"It's not like I don't drink, you know? We're adults so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Heeseung nodded his head and smiled a little.

"I'll get going now, try to stay away from stray pieces of metal," Jaeyun waved goodbye and grabbed one ramyeon package.

"I will. Enjoy your meal," Heeseung said and waved too.

Jaeyun smiled and left to pay. For an incredibly stubborn and pushy person, Heeseung was pretty considerate.

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

The way I crave ramyeon and teokkbokki on midnight 🥹

I guess not everyone likes Sunjae...

Have a good day/night!

Love you all~


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