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‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

The dinner was served almost the second they sat down. Jaeyun was very surprised by this but gladly started eating along with Heeseung. And, just like he had predicted, there was alcohol involved, but not like he expected. A bottle of champagne was opened for the both of them and he almost jumped from the surprise.

The waiter poured two glasses and placed one for each at the table.

Heeseung grabbed his champagne glass and lifted it towards Jaeyun, who followed suit and did the same.

They clinked the glasses and had a small drink. Jaeyun lifted his pinky finger jokingly just like he used to do with him when they drank beer or soju together.

"What are you, five?" He used to say to Jaeyun whenever he did that. Maybe joking but it still made Jaeyun feel embarrassed.

So, of course, he was almost startled to hear a laugh from Heeseung and see a big smile on his face.

"Please forgive me, where are my manners?" Heeseung said in a very polite way while also lifting his pinky finger to have a second sip of his champagne.

Jaeyun giggled and allowed his heart to squeeze in joy. Heeseung was again proving to be different and it only endeared him more and more.

His smile grew wider.

"The champagne's really sweet. That's dangerous," Jaeyun exclaimed.

Heeseung agreed, "definitely. But don't worry, it has the minimum of alcohol so don't be afraid to drink as much as you'd like."

He passed the bottle to Jaeyun and, indeed, it only had 0.7% for a two liter bottle.

"I'm pretty weak to sweet things, that's why I tend to avoid drinking sweet alcoholic drinks. Only Sunghoon has seen me drunk and he will never let it go."

"You seem like a sleepy-when-drunk kind of person," Heeseung said.

Jaeyun scoffed a little, "things aren't always what they seem. But don't worry, this barely has any alcohol in it, so you won't be seeing me drunk anytime soon."

Heeseung smiled and nodded, not particularly thrilled about having his own comment used against him. But it was Jaeyun, so he was just happy he was there with him.

The food was finished and they stayed talking in their shared table, waiting for dessert. A beautiful crème brûlée was placed for each of them and Jaeyun was perplexed once more.

"Be honest with me, how much was the ticket for me to come here?" He asked Heeseung.

"Why'd you ask?"

Jaeyun sighed, "this dessert? The champagne? The freaking hotel we're in? Everything seems so expensive so the ticket must've been so as well."

Heeseung giggled, "nothing of this is as expensive as you think."

"I call bull. How much was the ticket?" Jaeyun insisted.

"You don't need to know that, Jaeyun. Please stop worrying about it," Heeseung smiled kindly.

It was, again, in moments like this that Jaeyun felt really frustrated towards Heeseung. The older had such a way to squirm out of Jaeyun's questions it left him speechless. Insisting on asking for the amount wasn't going to make Heeseung accept it if Jaeyun gave it to him.

He sighed again and gave up and focused on the sweet treat in front of him. He took a bite and immediately after opened his eyes so big and looked at Heeseung in surprise. It tasted amazing and it had the softest texture.

But all that went out the window. Heeseung was already looking back at him with a smile that screamed he thought Jaeyun was the most adorable human being in the planet.

Jaeyun looked away flustered and moved a strand of his bleached hair away from his face.

He took another bite of the dessert when Heeseung asked him something.

"Why did you decide to bleach your hair?" Heeseung had noticed how the dark brown roots in Jaeyun's hair had started growing considerably and he wondered why he hadn't had them bleached again.

Jaeyun swallowed and cleared his throat a little.

"I wanted a change of image. I used to think that I wasn't, um... attractive with just plain brown hair, and once I did I had a boost in my confidence and self esteem."

Heeseung was internally outraged. How could Jaeyun think he wasn't attractive ever?

"I bet you looked just as attractive with your natural hair color. I'm certain," Heeseung said.

Jaeyun blushed all the way to his ears, again speechless. How was he supposed to say anything to such direct comments thrown towards him? But it didn't matter. He remembered the deal they had made and he would remind Heeseung of it.

"Thank you, friend. That's so nice of you to say," Jaeyun said and immediately enjoyed Heeseung's reaction.

The latter had opened his mouth to defend himself and started stuttering in an attempt to not dig his own grave, Jaeyun started laughing at how hard he was trying. He found it so cute.

"I got it, I got it. I forgot for a second, alright? You're just so easy to compliment that I want to do so every chance I get. It comes effortlessly, I guess."

Jaeyun sighed. He was again a little flustered.

"I'm messing with you, Heeseung. I do appreciate your words."

The event was coming to its inevitable end and many groups of people would be going for a round of beers and soju to various places. One of those groups was Heeseung's coworkers, who were now asking if the two of them wanted to join.

"Sorry guys, but I gotta drive Jaeyun to his apartment and he doesn't drink too much."

His coworkers understood but were visibly disheartened. It made Jaeyun feel bad and guilty, he didn't want Heeseung to miss out on hanging out with his friends because of him.

"Y-you know, I can just grab a taxi and get home Heeseung. You should go with them and keep having fun," he whispered to Heeseung's ear.

Of course, Heeseung refused instantly. "There's no way that's happening. I promised you I would take you back to your place and it's non negotiable."

"Please, it's okay. Really! You picked me up from work, took me to my place and brought me here. It's the least I can do."

"Nope." Heeseung said to him and then turned to his coworkers, "we'll get going, don't get too wasted or you'll regret it tomorrow!"

They all waved goodbye and Heeseung walked with Jaeyun to his car. Once inside the vehicle, Jaeyun broke the silence that lingered between them.

"It's really fine if you just go with them."

But still Heeseung didn't bend.

"Why would I rather be with those guys whose faces I see everyday when I can see yours just a little longer?"

Jaeyun thanked the darkness inside the car because his face felt like it burned bright red.

"And like I said, I promised you I'd take you back. You're my priority."

Jaeyun sunk in his seat in defeat and looked out the window as Heeseung drove them out of the parking lot and into the crowded streets.

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡

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