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It seemed that with the end of the year coming nearer, the weather was getting more unstable. The forecast said there would be rain and sunny days in the same week, so Jaeyun wore a jacket and took his umbrella to work everyday.

He was glad he was so cautious, because just when he was walking to the bus stop from the uni, it started pouring out of nowhere. His hair did get a little wet but his clothes were fine and he could dry on the way. He sat down right next to the door in the middle seats of the bus when he saw someone walking fast right by him under the rain with nothing to protect them from the rain.

Said person took refuge under the bus stop and Jaeyun could now see them clearly. Of course, it was Lee Heeseung. Jaeyun was confused.

Why was Heeseung running under the rain when he had a perfectly functional car? What was he doing at the bus stop? Should he take his umbrella to the older? But what would he say? What would he do? How would Heeseung look at Jaeyun?

Right before the bus started moving Jaeyun didn't think twice and he was already behind Heeseung, the latter unaware of the younger beside him.

Jaeyun opened his umbrella on the side and lifted it over the taller's head, startling him a little.

Heeseung turned around nonplussed but his eyes immediately softened at the beautiful sight Jaeyun was to him.

Jaeyun's heart squeezed at the gaze he was receiving and he felt better already.

Air caught in Heeseung's throat and he couldn't utter one word of the 100 he had thought of telling Jaeyun once he went to see him.

Just now though he didn't expect this to happen, he didn't think it would be so soon, so he was completely unarmed.

Jaeyun on the other hand was calm, his head clear and his hands cold, he smiled gently at the handsome puzzled man in front of him.


Heeseung blinked a few times.

"Hey... what are you doing here?"

"I was on my way to the clinic. What about you? Is something wrong with your car?" Jaeyun added.

Heeseung stuttered, "n-no, my car's fine. I was just in a hurry and it was close so I didn't take the car".

"In a hurry? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, just, Jungwon needed something and Jay couldn't make it so he asked me to go."

Jaeyun nodded in understanding, "ahh, okay."

Heeseung figured Jaeyun didn't know who Jungwon was, even though he was completely wrong.

"Right, Jungwon's a friend of ours. Both Jay's and mine. Except Jay's been after him for like ages and there's been slow progress."

"Yeah, I know him. He's the one you helped some time back in the clinic because of a light sprain."

Heeseung was taken by surprise, "yeah... how'd you know it was him?"

Jaeyun smiled a bit wider, "I met him and Jay last night on my way to my place. They were walking to the movie theater together."

Heeseung nodded. Then, abruptly, he widened his eyes in panic.

"Did- did they say anything about me by chance?" Heeseung stuttered.

Jaeyun bit his lip to hold back a smile. Heeseung became even more flustered.

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