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Get ready and enjoy~

‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡


Jaeyun had a small sip. He tasted it and didn't even flinch at the bitter taste. Instead, he took a long sip of it and Heeseung was alarmed at how much he consumed in such a short time.

Nevertheless, he also had a sip from his own glass. He liked the taste, but he preferred sweet wine over dry wine. Either way, it was good. Right as he was taking his second sip he saw that Jaeyun was already pouring himself another glass.

"Woah, easy Jaeyun. It'll go straight to your system if you keep drinking like that," Heeseung warned concerned.

But Jaeyun was actually going for that, for he gulped down the whole content he had poured for the second time in his glass. His face was already flushed and his eyes were starting to lose focus.

"I think you've had enough Jaeyun," Heeseung tried to convince him but Jaeyun dodged his statement.

"Did you not like it? Do you want me to look for something else?" Jaeyun asked Heeseung while looking at him straight in the eyes.

Heeseung wasn't in his right mind anymore, but he had realized it way too late.

"No, no. I do like it, I'm just being careful with how much I drink..."

Jaeyun nodded and muttered an 'okay' while splashed himself a third glass of wine.

Heeseung was definitely worried. He didn't feel like he had enough right to just take the bottle away from Jaeyun and he did not want to upset him doing that. But Jaeyun kept downing the third and a fourth glass while he had only finished that one glass.

Jaeyun poured Heeseung more wine without asking and then was about to pour a fifth one for himself when Heeseung stopped him.

Jaeyun blinked at him expressionless, "but I wannnnt another oneee."

Heeseung shook his head and carefully took the bottle away from Jaeyun.

"I think you've had one too many, Jaeyun. Trust me, it's for the better."

Heeseung went to put away the bottle but he had completely forgotten an important detail. The poured glass that Jaeyun had poured for him on the coffee table.

Just like he dreaded, Jaeyun was drinking it without a care in the world. But he was still considerate because he saved half the wine for Heeseung.


The intoxicated blond directed his attention towards Heeseung and just smiled. Then, he gasped surprised.

"Heeseung! You drank wine!"

Heeseung wasn't following, "yeah...? So did you?"

Jaeyun shook his head lightly, "but you drove here! You can't drive baaack! It's not safe!"

Heeseung finally followed. Jaeyun was right, he couldn't possibly drive like that. It could go very wrong.

"I guess I'll have to take a taxi to my place. I'll come for the car tomorrow then..."

Jaeyun shook his head again, "nope, you'll stay here. Since it's my fault you drank, you'll stay tonight, okay?"

Heeseung contemplated his options. Sure, taking a taxi seemed like the best idea but Jaeyun was drunk and pretty vulnerable, he didn't want to leave him all alone, in case he needed him.

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