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"You lied to me," Heeseung stated some time after Jaeyun had finished eating his soup.

Jaeyun was cornered. He knew what Heeseung was talking about, but he didn't want to admit to anything at the moment.

"I'm talking about the umbrella. You didn't have another one. That's why you're sick right now. Jaeyun, you have to take better care of yourself... Do you know what I would have done if I got here and you weren't around? If I hadn't found you?"

Jaeyun was overly sensitive and he felt like he was being scolded, which he wasn't enjoying but he knew Heeseung was right.

"I would've looked everywhere for you, I would've called my friends and have them look for you, I would have called the police to also look for you. And I wouldn't stop until I was sure you were safe and sound because..." Heeseung stopped a bit agitated.

Jaeyun's heartbeat was pumping so fast he could hear it, in expectancy of what Heeseung had to say next.

Heeseung calmed himself down and breathed in and out. This wasn't the time to confess, the most important thing was to make sure Jaeyun recovered well.

"I'll take these things, do you need anything else?" Heeseung asked softly.

Jaeyun was a little disappointed but he understood. "No Heeseung, I'm okay now."

Heeseung went and washed the dirty dishes and folded the over-bed table and went back to Jaeyun's room to say goodbye.

"You need rest now so I'll—

"Could you stay with me? Just for tonight? I— I know I messed up and you've already done so much for me, but I really don't want to be alone and sick," Jaeyun pleaded.

Heeseung didn't even have to think about it.

"Of course," he breathed with a smile. "I'll bring the futon. Where do you store it?"

"On the top shelf of the left door in my closet. There's also blankets there. Feel free to take as many as you need. It's cold," Jaeyun responded.

While Heeseung got the futon and blankets out, Jaeyun was changing positions and finally felt comfortable on his right side. Just then Heeseung had finished and looked at him directly. He was going to sleep on that side of the room.

Heeseung grinned, "I know you like me, but isn't watching me sleep a bit creepy?" he teased.

"I do like you, but I'm not intentionally watching you sleep. I just found this position comfortable to sleep in," Jaeyun retaliated. He was too sick to worry about what he said.

But he enjoyed Heeseung's expression, the latter did not expect that honest comment.

"You're cute," Jaeyun mumbled with a smile.

"Just sleep already, Jake. You need to rest," Heeseung said as he turned off the light and fumbled with the sheets until he was comfortable too.

"Now who's watching who?" Jaeyun teased with what little energy he had left.

"Close your eyes, silly. You can keep watching me in the morning," Heeseung argued smiling.

"Good night, Hee."

"Good night Jaeyun."


The soreness in Jaeyun's body disappeared completely. His head wasn't heavy. He was definitely better. Walking to the bathroom he saw Heeseung still sleeping. He was glad, deep down Jaeyun was a little scared Heeseung might be gone in the morning like last time.

Jaeyun decided it was his turn to cook breakfast since Heeseung had cooked him the soup the previous night, the problem was he didn't know what to cook. That's when realization hit him: he didn't know Heeseung enough. But he liked him already. So he only wished to know him more and more.

Instead of worrying about food, Jaeyun chopped fruits and prepared them in bowls for when Heeseung woke up, which was just five minutes after he had finished cleaning up what he had used.

"Good morning Heeseung. Did you sleep well?"

Heeseung stretched and yawned and then nodded, "surprisingly, I did. How's your futon so comfortable?"

"My brother bought it when he came here. But he never used it, he only left it here and it used to just take up space. I'm glad it's being used well now," Jaeyun said.

"Such a flirt, Jaeyun. Weren't you sick?"

Jaeyun laughed, "That's right, I was sick. Not anymore. I feel brand new thanks to you."

"Very glad I was of use. You can always contact me whenever you feel the slightest bit poorly. I'll be your knight in shining armor," Heeseung winked at Jaeyun.

"Who's the flirt now?" Jaeyun laughed. "Anyways, what do you want for breakfast?"

Heeseung pondered for a bit. "I'm not hungry yet, actually. How about this: you go sit down and rest and I'll cook for you."

Jaeyun shook his head, "no, mister! It is my turn to treat you. When you feel hungry please tell me what you crave so I can cook it for you. For now, have some of the fruit I sliced, I'm sure it'll make you hungry."

"That doesn't make sense but I'll do it since you're the one asking."

Heeseung wanted to keep persuading Jaeyun, but he didn't want to seem too pushy so he just sat down and started doing as told. To his surprise, Jaeyun sat on the other end of the dining table and started eating fruit himself.

"Is there a reason why you're sitting all the way over there?" he asked Jaeyun.

"This is where I usually sit," Jaeyun stated. Though, after Heeseung's incredulous stare, he continued speaking. "I didn't want to make you sick..."

Heeseung couldn't believe this moment. He was at Jaeyun's place in the morning and the younger was worried he could get him sick. He wanted to just say everything then and there, let Jaeyun know what he was thinking and feeling, make everything happen this moment.

But precisely because Jaeyun was being sweet and vulnerable again, Heeseung couldn't do this while Jaeyun was still sick.

"Guess I have pretty bad timing."

Jaeyun was weirded out by the random statement from Heeseung, but didn't question him.

"You also prove me wrong again, I am actually getting hungry as I eat the fruit..."

Jaeyun couldn't help the smile that came to his lips. This happened to him too often lately, and he knew it was all Heeseung's doing.

"I told you so," Jaeyun giggled as he kept eating the fruit.

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Hi! 🤗



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