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"Sim Jaeyun, do you like ice cream?"

Of course Jaeyun likes ice cream. Everyone does. Heeseung's question was more on the side of 'wanna go with me?' than actually asking out of curiosity.

"I do. Why?"

Heeseung smiled a little, "wait here."

Jaeyun didn't move. He watched how Heeseung went to get a sports backpack where he shoved his basketball and took out a towel to dry the remaining sweat from his face. Which wasn't much due to the chilly weather. Heeseung walked back to Jaeyun, backpack hanging from his shoulder.

"Come with me?" He extended his hand offering it to Jaeyun who was still sitting down.

Jaeyun was still very hesitant to trust Heeseung. It's not like he ever did something untrustworthy per se, but he wasn't going to let his walls down in front of him anytime soon. The thing is, Jaeyun needed someone to comfort him, and Heeseung was there. Not like he was going to ask him to, but a distraction was as good as anything.

Jaeyun accepted the outstretched hand and stood up.

Heeseung was too surprised to say anything. He surely was expecting to be rejected and Jaeyun knew, he somewhat enjoyed to leave Heeseung awestruck.

Heeseung cleared his throat but couldn't utter a word before Jaeyun.

"Let's go?"

Heeseung smiled and nodded quickly pulling Jaeyun with him. They crossed the park holding hands, reaching a black car parked on the sidewalk. Heeseung pulled out his keys and unlocked the doors, afterwards opening the passenger's door.

"This is yours?" Jaeyun was impressed. He didn't expect someone so young to have such a nice car. Where the hell did he work at?

"I'm still paying for it, but technically it is mine." Heeseung held the door open for him, "after you."

Jaeyun couldn't hold back his giggle.

"What a gentleman."

"Only for you," Heeseung said cheekily.

Jaeyun scoffed and entered the car. Heeseung closed the door and went to the driver's seat to get in.

The drive was silent for the first minutes or so, until Heeseung spoke up, asking what had been on his mind the last week.

"How have you been? I mean, after everything that happened..."

Jaeyun sighed, "I've been okay."

Heeseung wasn't buying it, even if Jaeyun really thought he was being convincing. For starters, he was alone in a park wearing clothes that said 'do not get close to me' and his always shining face was replaced by one that showed he had been crying for who knows how long. Heeseung noticed all of this.

"Have you, really? You can tell me, if that helps you ease the burden a little."

"There's no reason why I should," Jaeyun said dryly.

Heeseung wouldn't deny that hurt, but he knew Jaeyun was hurting as well. And he was right, but he was also not quite right.

"Ouch haha... well, it's understandable if you feel that way. I just wanted to show some emotional support."

Jaeyun didn't actually mean to be rude, but something in Heeseung's presence always made him act far from his usual self.

"I'm–" Jaeyun started but Heeseung cut him off when he parked the car.

nursing a broken heart | heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now