26: Comfort

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Ren Greens:

I looked at him with shocked expression and he sighed. " I never wanted for you to found out about this so soon. This is bad, but I will explain after you showered okay? " he told to me and I nodded. He left the room and I took a bath.

After that, I put on some new clothes. Good thing that shower helped with my fever and I went to the living room. I saw Caleb and Elle was in the kitchen cooking dinner for us. " You need to explain something to me, " I said with a raise eyebrow and Caleb looked at me with a tense expression. " I never wanted you to find out these scars on your arms is something, you will struck with for the rest of your life, " he started and gesture me to sat down beside him.

" This is going be a long explanation, " Caleb started, " after you got cured. We found out, you had a rare side effect. You had an side effect so rare, because you managed to survived until the third stage. No one managed to survived that stage because of health problems. Only very few did, like you. There is 1 in millions chances to survived the third stage and get cure at the third  stage. Plus you are going to live with those scars for years until your death. I never wanted you to find out like that, I wanted to tell you later on. But I guess, you found out eventually. Plus those scars are beautiful.

" Also, " he continued, " I never meant to hide this from you. I don't want you to get overwhelm and plus with everything else. I'm sorry for this, I just wanted to take care of you and you have a fever-" 

" Caleb, I understand okay, " I interrupted him and I looked into his eyes. " You are right, I am just worrying too much about things. But I just want to take care of you. You know, I just want to keep you safe. Plus we are all going back to classes in a few weeks from now because the open house. I just want you to be okay, plus we need to act on that day. Then we start the plan okay? " He asked to me and I nodded in respond.

He pulled me into an embrace and I hugged back. " You know you are a bit burning. Plus you need your meds, " Caleb told to me, and I sighed. I buried my head in the nook of his neck. He stroked my hair, " Hey Elle, can you get Ren's meds for me? Thank you!" I heard Caleb shouted. " Sure! " then a few minutes and Elle came back with something in her hand. " Thanks Elle, " Caleb thanked her and I looked at Caleb. He had the meds in his hand. " I don't like the pills, " I answered and he looked at me with a look.

" You have to take them no matter what, so you can get better, " he told him and I shook my head no. I looked at him, " You have to, then if you don't take them. I will not give you cuddles then, " this idiot, " Fine, " I give in. I took them from his hand and I put them. Caleb handed me a cup of water and I drank the water. I set down on the table and I was snuggled against Caleb. " Oh, blooming flower. You can be cute sometimes, " he said and I blushed, so I buried my head in the nook of his neck.

" You two, dinner is ready, " Elle announced and I looked up, then I got off of Caleb. I got up from the couch and I went to the kitchen to help Elle prepare the table foe the three of us. After me and Elle prepare the table. Then I got Caleb to the table and we started to eat some dinner.

After dinner, I was in me and Caleb's bedroom. I looked from the window, the sunset looks so beautiful. Reminds me of that one time when me and Leah took Lily and Louis to the beach to see the sunset. But they both are gone now, I don't know anymore. If I took that offer, maybe they will be still alive now. I sighed and my vision started to blur up. I realized I was crying, I missed the both of them. Those two were the reason I will to this college, so I can find a cure. But I failed on that, they died before I got here. 

I felt arms wrapped around me and I glance up. It was Caleb, " I know what you are thinking, Lily and Louis again. I know you may have fail them, but you have your friends and family by your side. Even me, it's okay to feel hurt. But you can let it all out, " he told me and he turned me around to make me face him. I buried my face in his chest and I started to cry so fucking hard. Caleb comforted me and help me calm down. I am glad he is here for me when Leah is busy with things.

After I calmed down, we both stay like this for a bit. Before I realized, I fallen asleep.

Caleb Rose-Brown: 

They have fallen asleep and I took them into my arms. Then I put them in bed, pulled the blanket over them. I sighed and I wiped the tears off their face while they were asleep. I knew I have take care of them, plus why didn't Ren's parents get Ren some therapy? Then I remembered, their parents worked so hard to get the money. But now, things are different and I guess they been busy with work.

I guess, I will do everything to help Ren heal and they needed someone to be by their side at all time. So I will do that.

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