𝟶𝟶𝟷. 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 (𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗)

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Ellie stood in Meredith hospital. She stood with izzie, Alex, Cristina and Lexie as they looked to the new mercy west residents. "They really think they own the place" Ellie said as she stood munching away on Meredith grapes.

"Your lucky your in the hospital bed, you'll probably have more of a chance than the rest of us do" Ellie said

"she's not wrong" Cristina said as Lexie stood looking out of the window at the mercy west residents in the orange scrubs

"what's with the orange scrubs, aren't ours good enough for them?" Lexie asked as Ellie rolled her eyes

"looks like a prison jumpsuit" Ellie said

"we ran out. They're on back order says they'll be here in a week, that's what you learn when you lie here all day" Meredith said as Ellie frowned

"they're taking over, I don't like it" Ellie said as she walked off into the ER. She saw the new mercy west residents

"where do you want us?" Cristina asked

"In mercy west, we do zones, you know I am your patient helps you get to them quicker" Jackson said.

Ellie looked to him and rolled her eyes. She didn't like them, she thought he was a pretty boy and loved himself and she wasn't going to let them take her over not when she had been here since she was an intern . She had to it up with a lot, a lot of competition and the fact that she was mark Sloan's little sister and none of it scared her

She knew that a bunch of new residents did not scare her. Not one bit. She looked to new residents and rolled her eyes. She knew it was a fight for their places in the completion and she wasn't going to go down with out a fight

Ellie stood in the ER as she stood working on a patient. She looked as somebody went to charge for the patient as Jackson tackled him to the ground. She looked to him and rolled her eyes as the ED cheered him on. Ellie rolled her eyes. She couldn't stop looking at him. She knew that she wasn't impressed by him but there was something about him

Ellie watched as the whole ER cheered for him. Cristina walked over to her and rolled her eyes "cocky much" she said as Ellie nodded, Ellie couldn't help but agree. But she knew that she couldn't keep her eyes off of him. She knew that he was good looking but she wasn't going to be the t shallow and judge him by his looks

She felt that she ever see seemed to turn around that day that Jackson was there and making her look bad. Esmè finished off with her patient and sighed as she looked to him and rolled her eyes.

She walked past him and shot him a glare as she walked out of the ER. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she walked off.

Ellie knew that there were cuts and that there was a chance that she could end up fired and she felt as fo she was failing as a doctor as a surgeon and that the mercy west residents were officially taking over the place. But she had been fighting to staying in ever since she was a resident and she was more than mark sloans little sister

Ellie sat in the residents lounge and looked to see mark as she walked in "hey kiddo. are you okay?" Mark asked as Ellie looked to her older brother and smiled. She knew how it had always her the two of them and how he had always looked out for her especially with how her parents were

Ellie knew how she was never wanted by her parents bad how mark and dereks family had raised her

"well I feel like I'm going to be fired, I am trying my best but these mercy westers I don't know, I don't know" elkie said as mark walked over to her and sat next to her and smiled

"your not going to be fired, your a good resident and it will be okay" Arizona said as he hugged Ellie.

Ellie looked to her and smiled. She was hating this, everything was different and she knew that she needed to fight for her job even if it meant playing dirty

"I don't like these new residents. But I'm not going to let the chief kick me out" she said as mark smiled

"You don't need to worry. Your smart, skilled and everyone loves you here" mark said as Ellie looked to her brother and smiled. She hoped that he was right

Ellie walked back into Meredith room at the end of the day. She stood watching Jackson as he stood with April and pulled herself out of the trance that she was in

"Ellie. You okay" Meredith asked as Ellie walked over and sat next to her and smiled

"Fine. Your lucky you have a break from this. They're skilled I mean not as skilled as I am but there's a competition" Ellie said as Meredith looked to her and smiled

"You don't have to worry. I've seen you hold a heart. There's no reason to worry" Meredith said as Ellie looked to her and smiled

Ellie knew how it was and how it wasn't easy and she knew hoped that it would be okay


Ellie walked out of the hospital and walked to her car "hey" she heard a voice say as she turned to face Jackson and frowned

"what do you want?" She asked as he sighed

"I want to apologise, I know that today wasn't the best but I want to apologise I don't want to make it difficult" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I appreciate it, I'll see you around doctors Avery" Elloe Said as she got into the car and sighed little did Ellie know how Jackson Avery was going to change her life?

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