𝟶𝟸𝟷. 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕 {𝙿𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎/ 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗, 𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚌𝚑}

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Ellie sat in the residence lounge as she attended a meeting

"Fifth year is the hardest year of your residency. Every surgery you do will go on your record, the wins and the losses. In just a few months, you will... " Owen said as Meredith comes in late. She sits down next to Cristina.

"What did I miss?" Meredith asked

"You're O.B. now? Oh, how the mighty have fallen, huh?" Jackson said as he looked to see Meredith in pink scrubs

" She misses Zola. Her uterus hurts." Alex said

"Oh, leave her alone, dirtbag. " cristina said

"Yeah back off" Cassie said

"Of the more complicated surgeries you've scrubbed in." Owen said

"You are embarrassing me. I'm getting to deliver babies. I'm making life, you know? " Meredith said

"Yeah, you know what? You're making me gag. Okay, slumming it in O.B. for a few weeks is okay. " Cristina said

"Whatever. " Meredith said

"Leave her alone she can do what she wants" ellie said

"Solved problems, managed your team. " owen said

"Wearing the vagina squad scrubs in public?" Cristina said to Meredith as Cassie and Ellie held a look

"Don't wait to do this. You'll regret it later. It's... " owen said

"Ugh. We have standards, Meredith. " cristina said

"It is extremely important that you rack up as many good outcomes as possible for your boards. I am implementing a system. I will receive an e-mail if any of you exceed more than ten bad outcomes in your O.R. Ten... any more is unacceptable." Owen said as April now comes in too.

"Welcome, Dr. Kepner. " owen said

"Sorry. I got stuck in the lab with Bailey"

." I don't care where you were. I care that you already have, let's see ... uh, two bad outcomes in your O.R. " owen said

"Loser. " alex said

"Of course that's nothing compared to Karev's impressive five bad outcomes. "

" I keep getting dud patients. " alex said

"Your the dud" cassie said

"Tell it to your board examiners. The point, people, is to keep your bad outcomes to a minimum, or you will be hard-pressed to find a fellowship next year. " owen said

"Uh, Dr. Yang, are you sure that you're getting all this down? " Owen asked

"Bad outcomes are bad, which is why I have zero so far, a perfect record I plan to continue during my ortho rotation this week. No one dies during a hip replacement. " cristina said

" Let's hope." Owen said as Ellie rolled her eyes at how cocky she was being

Ellie stood by the nurses station and looked to see mark as he walked over he is carrying homemade scones. Ellie looked to him and raised an eyebrow at him

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