𝟶𝟶𝟹. 𝚃𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 {𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 }

760 17 1

A/N: Cassie Torres her storyline and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Ellie groaned to herself as she lay in bed. Her pager beeped off of the side as she picked it up. It was the middle of the night. Ellie felt as if she had badly slept. Ellie knew how the merger was getting to her and she hated it

She looked to it and groaned as she lay back in bed. She he was tired and she didn't want to go to work but she knew that she had no choice. Ellie sighed as she stood from bed and started to get dressed.

She looked to the mess and groaned. She was too tried being a surgeon to tidy up. Ellie grabbed her car keys off of the side and her phone and pager as she walked out of the flat as she drove to work.

Ellie sat in her car and yawned wishing that she was still in bed and not going to work at 4am. Ellie got to work and walked in as she saw Cassie and smiled

"Why so early" Ellie asked as Cassie chuckled

"Don't ask me. You know things are with the merger and mer is still bed bound after giving part of her liver to her dead beat father" Cassie said as Ellie looked to Cassie and smiled

"All I can say is she is a better woman than me. Besides she's off and getting sleep. I can't help but feel jealous" Ellie said as Cassie chuckled

"Oh what is give for sleep and sex" Cassie said as she glanced to mark.

Ellie saw the look her friend gave him and sighed "don't go there. Just don't" Ellie said


"Don't what Cassie Torres. It's 4am and you and mark Sloan are the last thing on my mind. Besides he is my brother and it's gross and he has slept with half of the hospital and I don't want him to defile you by being all mark" Ellie said. She walked off and sighed.

She knew that the last thing that she wanted. The last thing that she needed was the thought of mark and Cassie in her mind

She needed to get a coffee and she didn't need to be in any of the drama with her friend and whatever was going on with her and her brother. Ellie felt grossed out at the idea


Ellie walked down the hallway later that day as she took a sip of her coffee. She saw Jackson and smiled as he walked over to her with a coffee

"i got you a coffee but you have one" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"oh trust me I want your coffee I have hardly slept in the last month and I had a surgery at 4am and a tumour on a baby" Ellie said as Jackson smiled

"are you on the pedi rotation?" Jackson asked as Ellie shock her head

"no but I am heading the way I have a baby with tumour to check on" Ellie said as she took the coffee from Jackson and took a sip. Ellie had spent the morning in surgery with Arizona

"caramel?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled

"your favourite" he as said as Ellie looked to him and smiled. Ellie knew how she and Jackson had got closer and seemed to have developed a friendship. She knew how mark was questioning her over it all but she knew just how she and Jackson were only friends. She knew that she was not good enough for Jackson avery

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