𝟶𝟸𝟾. 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚏 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚗 {𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖}

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Ellie gripped the headboard as Jackson's tongue lapped between her folds. Jackson devoured her as if he were a starving man with his first meal in ages. She whined as his tongue swirled over her labia and clitoris. Her thighs quivered as he kept at her, alternating his licks with sucks and thrusts.

Ellie rocked against Jackson face, meeting his tongue thrusts. "Don't stop, please, don't stop," she moaned. Jackson used his hand to slip a finger inside of her warm sheath while he pulled off to take a breather. Jackson turned his face side to side, alternating kisses and love bites on her thighs.

"God damn, you taste fucking delicious."

Ellie could hear the wet sounds his saliva and her arousal made while he finger fucked her. Ellie could feel that her thighs were sticky and messy. It made her even more aroused. She kept one hand on the headboard to keep steady and used the other one to cup her breast and pinch her nipple. "I'm going to cum," Ellie warned.

Ellie slipped his fingers out, causing her to whine again. "Eleanor, that's the plan," he growled and pulled her back down against his mouth. He continued lapping her slit and rubbed his nose against her clit.

"Right there, right there!" Ellie gasped as she began to unravel all over Jackson's face. Ellie swore shy saw stars as she came, Jackson name escaping her lips. Jackson continued to fuck her with his mouth as she rode out her orgasm. As she came down to reality, he blew on her clit, causing hrr to hiss and jerk.

Ellie climbed off Jackson's face and sunk down his body. He kissed her hard she you could taste herself on his tongue. Jackson gave her ass a smack. She rubbed your wet cunt against his cock, which was painfully hard. "From behind," Jackson requested and Ellie nodded. "Okay."

She positioned herself on all fours. Jackson took his cock in his hand and smacked his cock against her ass. Ellie thrusted her hips back, seeking fulfillment. Jackson reached over to the nightstand and grabbed some lube. Slathering his cock, he then rubbed it against her entrance before thrusting inside of her.

They both simultaneously moaned as he filled her completely. Jackson thrusted slowly in and out of her so that she could adjust. "Oh fuck," he groaned.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard," ellie begged.

Jackson began to piston in and out of her, fucking her fast and furiously, as she requested. He gripped her hips tightly

"You like that? Is that hard enough for you baby?" Jackson's grunted as he pistoned into her , the sound of skin slapping as he surged forward. She nodded and Jackson wrapped a hand into her hair and pulled her up, so that her back was against his chest, while he continued fucking her. "What was that Ellie ? I couldn't hear you."

"Yes Jackson , oh God, yes," ellie babbled. Jackson let go of her hair and she dropped nearly completely onto the bed, her ass stuck up in the air.

"Now that's a sight to see," Jackson groaned. The bed creaked and the headboard banged against the wall under their amorous activities.

Ellie reached down and began to rub her clit haphazardly. Jackson's thrusts became erratic and she knew he was close. Her walls began to flutter, and she chanted Jackson's name as if it were a prayer.

"That's it Eleanor,," Jackson encouraged.

Ellie wailed as her orgasm peaked and cascaded over bee. Jackson chased his own release and it came quickly. His own hips stiffened and he held her in place as he spilled his seed inside of her. Jackson slowly slipped out of her and her could feel his seed drip out of her and onto her thighs.

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