𝟶𝟶𝟺. 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 {𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢}

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Ellie sighed to herself as she walked down the hallway of the hospital. Her head was a mess and she couldn't stop thinking of the almost drunken kiss that she had with Jackson, she knew that it shouldn't of happened but it did and now Ellie felt as if everything between the, had changed and she didn't like it.

She knew that she and Jackson weren't a thing and how they weren't going to be a thing. She knew that she was but his type and she was telling herself how it was the alcohol and how it got to her head. She knew that she felt confused cover the whole situation

"Ellie....dr Sloan" Jackson called from behind her as he followed her down the hall. Ellie sighed to herself as she placed her phone on her hand onto her pocket and turned to face him and sighed. She knew how awkward that things were between them. She didn't know what to think or what to say

"what do you want?" She asked as he looked to her

"I want to talk, about the kiss that we almost had" he said as she looked to him

"there was no almost kiss, look we were drunk it was nothing and we need to forget it" Ellie said as he looked to her. He looked to her and frowned as she went to walk off as he went to grab her arm as he pulled her aside

"I think you and I know that it was more than a drunken almost. Kiss Ellie, I could tell by the way that you were looking at me there is something there between us and we both know it" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"I am not that girl, all the other residents are cooing over their love life's and I am not that girl especially for you. I am not your type. We're friends" Ellie said as Jackson looked to her and smirked

"you can call me pretty boy all you want, but your just a smart and beautiful as I am, we are both judged on our looks. Your judged on your brother and I am judged on my family. We both know what it's like" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"You don't want to be with me. I am not your type I am not good enough for you. Your an avery" she said as she walked off as he looked to her and smirked

He knew that he was the one who wasn't good enough for Ellie. He knew they at she was beautiful and there was something about her that he didn't like. He knew that it made him feel odd and it was something that he couldn't explain. Something about Ellie, all that he knew was that he just couldn't stop thinking about

Ellie stood in the clinic and frowned as she saw that Izzie was back. She looked to see Meredith and Cristina as they stood talking with her. Ellie saw Alex as he walked in and saw izzie

"Alex" Elle said as she walked after him. He looked as he kicked a medicine trolley and walked after him and smiled

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she was here. I just saw her I swear" Elle said

"she walked out on me el and here she is back here" Alex said as Ellie smiled. Elle pulled him into a hug and smiled

"I know what she's done but she is still your wife and you need to talk to her and decide what you want, if you want to end your married or if you think it is worth saving" Ellie said as she sighed to see that Bailey was paging her and sighed

"are you going to be okay?" Elle asked as Alex looked to her and smiled

"thanks el" he said as she stood up and walked off as she went to find Bailey knowing that she had a job to do and that she needed to clear her head over what was going on with her and Jackson

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