𝟶𝟸𝟺. 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 {𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎}

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Ellie lay in bed next to Jackson as they kissed passionately. She moaned as he got between her legs as she pulled him close "you do realise it's Valentine's Day and we shouldn't be keeping this secret us...all of it" he said as he kissed down her neck as she moaned

"What happened to us keeping this secret. We need time just us before anyone finds out besides you know how much hotter it is us sneaking around" she said as he smirked

"It's a good job you are hot" he said as she flipped him over. She straddled him down that she was on top of him. She ran her hand down his chest and smirked

"We can do this all day you know. She said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder as she kissed down his body. He maimed as she got the waist band of his boxers and smirked. She kissed his hip and smirked as she pulled them off of him

She looked to his erection that sprung free, she took it in her hand and smirked. She knew how big Jackson was and it shocked her how he didn't break her at times

"Ellie" Jackson said

She smiled at his erection standing proudly before her, admiring the smooth skin pulled taut and the thick vein on the underside before she wrapped her mouth around the tip and sucked softly.

Ellie heard a faint groan above her and smiled around him as she sunk down further, taking more and more of him into her mouth until she felt him lightly brush the back of her throat. Moving back up, she began a slow, steady pace, one hand coming to stroke the base as the other rubbed his soft belly. Jackson knew that Ellie knew how to use her mouth

"Oh fuck," he moaned when she sped up her movements. Screwing his eyes shut, he forced himself to relax into her ministrations. All thoughts of the seemingly the surgery he just had floated away from his mind as his hips jumped up to meet her mouth.

She moaned around him, earning another throaty groan from her boyfriend . Pulling him out of her mouth, she let her lips surround the vein on his underside and sucked gently.

"Ellie...you know I love when you...mother of god," he sighed as she pulled his balls in her mouth, one at a time while her hand continued to stroke his cock. Adding a twist at the end of each stroke, she turned her head to gently bite down on the inside of his thigh. She moved back up and took him in her mouth again, humming as the salty, musky taste of precum hit her tongue.

He heard a soft pop and then felt ner move back up his body, peppering soft kisses on his stomach, and his chest before her head appeared on his chest

"Im not even finished with you come here" he said as she smirked sinking down on him.

"Fuck" she grunted, sighing when her hips met his.

Her hands planted themselves on his chest as she used the leverage to move herself up and on him. He always filled her so perfectly, reaching a place inside her that she'd never realize existed.

His hands gripped her hips, helping her rise and fall on top of him. Letting her head lean back, her eyes closed, she you moaned when she felt one of his hands slide along her curves until he was massaging a soft breast.

Ellie looked back down at him and smiled, bending forward to kiss him dropping kisses along his jawline.

"Do you want to finish?" Jackson asked Ellie as he rolled over so that he was on top 

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