𝟶𝟸𝟹. "𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞" {𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜}

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Jackson stood walking through the hospital. He knew how he had given himself some space. He had broken up with Lexie and he knew it was Ellie. It was Ellie that he wanted. He knew how he always wanted Ellie

Jackson sat in the kitchen and looked to see Ellie as she walked in. He watched her as she walked to the fridge. He couldn't keep his eyes of her. She was wearing a pair of shirts, a baggy top and her hair was in a massive bun and he couldn't stop thinking over how beautiful she looked

Meredith is decorating a cake for Zola's birthday.

"Oh, damn it. I screwed it up. " meredith said

""Gag Zola," really? " jackson asked

"Those aren't G's. Those are Y's for "yay." "Yay Zola."

"See, a normal person would've just written "Happy Birthday." Jackson said

"Well, I couldn't fit all those letters on the cake." Meredith said as Ellie walked over

"Besides mer isn't really a normal mom is she" Ellie said

"Your not funny" Meredith said

"Okay, who used up the last of my deodorant? " April asked as A girl is looking in the fridge.

"Oh, that might have been me. Sorry. Kinda had a workout last night. " she said as Alex comes in.

"Not mine. " jackson said as he looked to Ellie. She was the only one on his mind

" Coffee. Fresh out, chief. " ale said

" Wait. N-no. That's impossible. I just bought some three days ago. " april said

" You're out of O.J. , too. " the blonde said

" Hey, you're still here? " alex asked

" Oh, yeah. I was on my way out, and then I saw these cheeks. So cute. " she said as she looked to zola. Ellie picked zola up

"Oh! We don't touch the baby because we don't know where those hands have been. " meredith said as she smiled thankful to Ellie

" Alex, does. " jacksin said

"Okay, so, um, I have a meeting with Owen, so I'm off. Party is at 8:00. Don't be late. " Meredith leaves. Ellie handed her zola

" I got 20 minutes before work. You wanna, you know? " Alex said


" Good. Come on. Round two. " Alex said as he and Hillary leave.

" Oh, we need to move. " april said

"Do we?" Jackson asked

"I think she's right" Ellie said as Jackson looked to her

"Hey can we talk" he asked as she took a sip of her water

"Yeah sure"

"Later" he said as she frowned

"Okay?" Ellie said as he walked out of the room. Ellie knew he had been acting strange with her ever since he had broken up with Lexie

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