𝟶𝟶𝟼. 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 {𝙱𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔}

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Ellie moaned to herself as she lay in a bed in the on call room as Jackson was between her legs as he pleasured her. She moaned as she bit her lip and rolled her head

"we have to Hurry" Ellie said as she looked to her pager hoping it wouldn't beep

"your right" Jackson said as he pulled away from her and smirked as he climbed in top of her and pushed into her. Ellie moaned at the contact as he started to move in and out of her.

Ellie wrapped her legs around his waist wanting to feel every inch of him as he started to move in and out of her. Ellie arched her back as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her.

He pulled her into his arms and smiled as she rested her head into his chest as he pulled her close and kissed her as they lay breathless. She frowned as she heard a knock at the on call room door

"dr Avery. Dr Sloan is looking for you" they heard an intern say as Ellie groaned

"I guess that is our call" Ellie said as he looked to her and nodded.

She knew how close they were to being to being caught and it worried her as she knew that she and Jackson were only starting their relationship and she didn't know what they were but she also knew that the last thing that she wanted to do was sneak around as good as it felt . Ellie knew that she had Jackson we're just having sex and that she was trying to keep it between them

Ellie knew what she and Jackson were and how it was early days and she knew that she didn't want to rush what they were

Ellie stood at the nurses station as Jackson walked over. He wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled

"hey are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"yeah I mean I was just wondering what are we. I mean are we just having sex or are we a couple as either way I don't mind I want to make it work i need to know" Ellie said as Jackson looked to her and smiled

"for now. I'd say it's just it's just sex I mean we can't have a relationship as we are surgeons and I know Meredith and Derek seem to have the perfect relationship and make it work but they haven't always had the easy relationship" Jackson said as she looked to him and smiled

"that's fine it's all I need to know. I just need to know as I don't think we should be sneaking around as kids I am saying we should be having a big announcement or anything but I don't think we should be sneaking it's not as if we have anything to hide. Especially when my brother has been on at us other what's going on. I always thought you were too good for me" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I agree you are right. We're having sex and were adults and old enough to make our own decisions and we have nothing to be ashamed off and for that not good for me comment I always thought I wasnt good enough for you and that I wasn't your true" he said as Ellie looked To him and smiled

"Your everyone's type and I agree" Ellie said as Jackson looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

Ellie stood in the hallway and looked to see Cassie as she walked over and smiled as she looked to her best friend and smiled

"Where have you been. What have you been up too" Ellie asked as Cassie looked to her and smirked

"If I told you I'd have to Kill you" Cassie said as Ellie rolled her eyes

"Mark?" Ellie asked as Cassie didn't say a word

"I say no more just be careful okay. I know my brother and I love him but he's mark and he thinks with his cock" Ellie said as Cassie smiled

"Don't worry I can handle myself" Cassie said as Ellie smiled

Ellie walked over to the nurses station as she saw Meredith as she was looking at Reid glaring

"what's going on" Ellie asked as she placed a patient file on the side as Meredith looked to her and sighed

"she needs to pay" Meredith said as Ellie looked to her and sighed. She knew that Meredith didn't like any of the new residents especially Reid

"why what has she done"

"trying to exchange sex for surgery with Alex. He is vulnerable because of izzie and what she does and has to pay" Meredith said as Ellie looked to her and smiled

"oh yeah what are you thinking as whatever is it. I am in" Ellie said as Meredith looked to her and smirked

"I don't know yet. But I will let you work. Alex is our fried and his wife left him with her medical bills and left him all together and he has only us and we can't like the likes of her from mercy west try and use him and get away with it" Meredith said as Ellie smiled

"yeah she's the worst although not all of them our bad I mean Jackson is okay"

"oh yeah is there something going on with you two. Does mark kniw" Meredith as she looked to Ellie who smirked as she grabbed her file

"maybe and what my brother doesn't know won't harm him. I know far to much if his sex life present and past I don't need him in mine" Ellie said as she walked off

She knew that the last thing she needed was her big brother to question her when she knew it was new, it was all early days with her and Jackson. Especially as she knew how mark had been treading we want questioning her over her and Jackson for months

Ellie sighed as she walked out of surgery as she scrubbed out. She looked to see Meredith as she walked into the scrub room and smiled as she looked to her

"are you okay" Meredith asked as Ellie smiled

"I'm fine. I really am"

"so is there anything going on with you and Jackson" Meredith asked as Ellie looked to her and smiled

"no I mean we all can't be all happy and married like you and mcdreamy but we are fine. Jackson and I have got to know each other and we are friends" Ellie said as Meredith looked to her and smiled

"if you say so but from what I can see Jackson is a great guy and you deserve to be happy if it's him then it's great. Cassie and mark have a thing and all and I'm still unsure if I trust him but if you and Jackson can have Something it could be sex and it be more but I don't know what you want but you do deserve to be happy if it is what you want" Meredith said as Ellie looked to her and smiled.

Ellie knew how much Meredith looked out for her and Cassie.

Eliie didn't know what she wanted right now she knew that she was worried as she was worried that she could be falling in love with Jackson even though they weren't an official couple but could she actually fall in love or would she be too scared to open up her heart to him?

Ellie stood by the nurses station and looked to see mark as he walked over "Eleanor" he said as she looked to him and raised an eyebrow at him

"Why are you full naming me?"

"You're my little sister it's my job. I saw you and Avery before. Is everything okay" he asked as Ellie smiled

"Mark your my brother and I know you but my private life is nothing to do with you" she said as she walked off as he smirked

He knew that there was something going on with her and Jackson Avery and he was going to find out what it was

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