Personal Idea 2 Part 2

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'What if...It's not Mario alone that keeps the world together?' (100% subject to a change)

Mario and Smg4 have been best friends forever, ever since Smg4 arrived they've never been apart. But after the Aftermath of 4's Perfect Video, the two once friends to drift apart more and more... But what if it doesn't pose a problem for just the two of them?

This story will have a drastic difference than the snippet I tweeted

Part 2 of ???


That day, everyone started map out everything for Mario's Party. Essentially the exact same way he had it, 4 was really happy that soon they would soon bring their relationship back together. Luigi on the other hand...

Luigi tugged on 3's, who sat next to him, sleeve and whispered to him "3...Can I talk to you alone for a moment?"

3 didn't hesitate to nod "Yeah, of course" 

They both stood up and walked away from the group, this caught the attention 4 but they didn't think too much of it .

"What's up? You've seen off since 4 announced-" 3 starts

"Mario wants to cut things off with 4!" Luigi spoke quickly, Cutting 3 off. His voice was quiet to ensure only 3 heard him. He covered his mouth with one hand after he spoke

3 gave a confused and worried look to him "Wha-Why?"

Luigi moved his hand and Looked down "He feels like his and Smg4's friendship caused everything, and he feels to protect all of us...He has to cut things off...He does want to hold on to 4, of course, 4 is precious to him..."

"And Mario is precious to 4..." 3 sighs "When did Mario say this"

"Last Night...Actually..."

"I...I could try...?" Mario starts, he then shakes his head quickly "N-No! Mario wants to respect their space! A-And if Glitchy isn't ready to talk to him yet, Then Mario will give them time..."

"Mario, this has gone on long enough" Luigi tells him "You and 4 have to make up, you both can't be afraid to make up, and if 4 isn't going to do it, you have to bro"

"But...Mario's already bothered him enough since he started to lock himself away...A-And Mario couldn't even be the one to save him! He left them behind...If 3 had followed us out, Glitchy could've-!" Mario closed his eyes tightly, gripping onto his hat. He let out a sigh, his grip weakened on his hat and his eyes slowly opened, looking down "Mario's come to a decision, and You might not like the idea..."

"If it's not stupid I'm sure it's fine" Luigi smiles at him

"I think...I might cut things with Glitchy..." Mario spoke quietly

Luigi's smile faded "Wh-What? Why?"

"Don't you understand? Everything Bad started happening to us after 3 and 4 arrived and 4 and I became friends...Mario doesn't want to put anyone else in Danger, Of course we can maybe still hang out...if nothing bad happens again but...I never want to have anyone including Smg4 go through anything that we've been through ever again"

"Mario, I doubt you and 4 are the reason these things have happened, don't ruin your friendship with him just because these things happened. It's all out of our control, and the two of you are beyond perfect for each other" Luigi told him quickly

"Mario realized he doesn't take a lot of time to think about these things, and he's thought a lot about this since Smg4 left our house...I think this is best for both me and them..."

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now