Request 1 Part 3

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'What if Zero's usb took Smg4 instead of Axol during the second half of the genesis arc?'

Requested by Yofrokid

Entirety of 'Mario and The Backrooms', Half of 'Mario is Okay'


Mario opened his eyes and he was falling, falling...out of reality?

"Wha-!? What the hell!?" He cries out

Soon, the Kingdom faded out of view and Mario landed face first on yellow carpet, and looking up he saw even more yellow of the wallpaper. 

Mario sat up on his knees, rubbing the back of his head "Mama Mia, Mario only wanted to take a piss..." He brought his hand down and looked around. Mario's defiantly never seen a place like this before...The humming lights didn't help ease the Red Plumber at all... "H-Hello?" He called out...No response

He started walking...Every room looked the exact same as the last with no ending in sight

Mario pulled out his phone "Maybe Mario could call for help?" He thought aloud, He randomly picked one of his friend's contacts and tried to call them

No Signal

And that got Mario...He worked up a scream and started running through the rooms once again "IT ALL LOOKS THE F*CKING SAME!"

It got to the point where Mario stopped running and curled up into a ball crying...Surely he'd never get out of here...A shadow started looming above him

"Jesus?" He looks up what he saw seemed to be a shadow figure with red eyes peeking from the next room Mario screamed once again and started running. It just wouldn't stop following him, He soon reached a dead end, he started banging on the wall desperately but to no avail. With one last plan, Mario took off his shoe and threw it at the figure knocking it back

"AHH! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" It...Spoke English?

"Wait a minute..." Mario recognized the voice "Is that..."

It was all in his head...The Shadow Figure turned into Smg3 

3 stood up, holding his head "Who throws a shoe!? Honestly!?"

Mario quickly pulled him into a tight hug causing 3 to flinch "SMG3! YOU'VE COME TO SAVE MARIO!"

"Ugh! I'm not here to save anyone!" 3 tells him, he didn't stop the hug though ...until he finally spoke again, he pushed Mario aside gently "Listen, Things aren't looking good...I'm trapped down here too..."

3 kicked in the door to the Graveyard Starbucks "Time to take a piss!" He walked through the Starbucks to the bathroom and opened the door, Green Data floated around the room "Huh...They must've redecorated in here..." Confused, he looked into the toilet and let out a scream

"And we both still have to piss..." Mario and 3 say in unison and they both start walking

3 sighs "Unfortunately, I don't have a single clue on how to get out of here"

"Aww Man...Mario's gonna die here...Isn't he?"

"Mario! Look!" Smg3 points to a Question Mark Block...Neither of them saw it before if it was even there before...wait have they even been that way already?

Mario started running towards it but 3 shouted 

"Mario! Hold On!" And that stopped Mario from running

"What?" He looks back at 3, tilting his head

3 went and hid behind one of the walls, He smiles sheepishly "Just hiding in case it's a trap..." His smile fades as he glances off to the side and mumbles "And Explodes..."

Mario shrugs, going to the block. He prepares himself before finally jumping up to the block...Nothing happened aside probably some neck pain...Mario gave the block an annoyed look and continued to jump up and down, the block still don't open. 

"Hurry up Mario!" 3 calls out, annoyed 

"It's not doing anything!" Mario shouts back, also annoyed 

The block then started to shake, out of it popped a Bonzi Buddy Meme (Purple Monkey Meme from 3's Flashback in the actual 'Mario and the Backrooms' episode). 3 comes over and stands next to Mario 

"Bonzi Buddy? Shouldn't it be back in the Internet Graveyard?" 3 questions 

Bonzi Buddy took a deep breath before letting out a scream and started to run away

"Come on Mario! After it!" 3 says quickly as he ran after it "Maybe it knows how to get out!"

Mario quickly followed him. They chased it until finally it ran into a dead end, Cornered by the two look alikes, It turned back to look at them. It's frightened expression turned angry and it finally spoke

"D̸̘̓ͅÓ̶͉Ṅ̵͚'̸̳̄T̶͙̥̿͒ ̶̲̖̈́G̴̫̯̐̉Ö̶͜ ̵̯̮̄A̷̼͝Ṅ̸͍̈́Y̷͚̌ ̵̠͑F̴͇̙̓U̵̜͒R̵͕͐T̸͙̈́̾H̴̓͠ͅE̸̻͈͒R̶̠̓͂"

And it then exploded 

"That was terrifying..." Mario sighs in relief

"That gave us nothing" Out of the corner of his eye, 3 noticed a door "That door wasn't here a second ago....Maybe that's the Exit?" He walks towards the door

"Don't you wanna listed to that creepy Meme?" Mario questions, after no response, Mario quickly followed him

3 slowly opened the door and it was another room...It looked like it was decorated for a Birthday Party. 3 and Mario walk fully inside

"Eww, is it your birthday?" Mario questions "How old are you turning? 87?"

3 rolled his eyes before returning his attention to the room "What the hell is all this?" 

Mario went to open one of the present boxes and smiled brightly "Oooh, I always wanted a hat!" Mario picks up the hat and puts it on top of his own "Look! I'm Mario! Howdy,Howdy,Howdy!"

3 let out a small laugh at him before he stopped, seeing more boxes out of the corner of his eye...More hats... "Huh? What are our Hats doing here?"

Mario's smile faded as the Hat on his head started to glitch out, the other four hats following right behind in the glitching 

"What the-?"

More of the green code they both saw before arriving here appeared again causing the duo to look around. In a flash 'GO BACK' was written in all caps in the color red covered nearly the entire room

"Wah! Let's get out of here" Mario cries out and they both run out of the room 

"Now what?" Mario questions between pants "That wasn't our exit!"

"I'm sorry..." 3 apologized, very quick about it as well "I really just want to get out of here, so I wanted to take whatever I could get..."

Mario smiles, putting his arm around him "Don't worry about it! We'll just have to keep looking!" He assures him, causing a small smile to appear on 3's face

"Okay, but The only question is how...?" 3 looked in front of them and his smile faded, a figure stood a couple rooms in front of them "Oh...What now? Meggy? Boopkins? Bob? Is that one of you!?" No response... he let out a huff, moving away from Mario and walking towards the figure "Oi! I'm talking to you idiots!" He threw a rock at it, it was only to be revealed to be an actual Monster. 3 let out before being knocked back into the room Mario still stood in "MARIO! DO SOMETHING!"

As the creature slowly approached them, Mario took of his shoe "The power of Satan compels you!" He throws the show and it bounces right off "Can I have that back please?"

The creature roared loudly causing the duo to scream and start running. After what felt like forever of running, 3 gasped

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now