Lexie Smg4 Fan Artist Office AU Lore Part 1

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The Smg4 Fan Artist Office AU was by far one of my favorite things to Participate in on Twitter

It was amazing seeing all the Artists get involved Drawing their Own Sonas as well as Others Making their Own Lore, Side Stories, Etc and just overall seeing the Community have fun and come together to do something

I was thinking I'd just make a little Cameo because I don't know how to do art and I really wanted to make Song Parodies for the AU  because it looked fun and I actually ended up becoming one of the few Canon Writers

This has been one Awesome Experience to actually be a part of and I'm so grateful for all the friends I've made because of the involvement of the AU

It's a shame it's slowly coming to an end, but I'm really happy with the experience, and I'm sure all the Artists are as well.

Just to Ensure I save these and don't accidentally delete them, I'm going to post My Sona's little Lore Here!!!

If you have Twitter, I Highly recommend checking out the Creator of the AU

@/Not_Caramella on Twitter (Their Wattpad Account is Caramella314)

As well as everyone involved in in the AU because they're all super cool and Talented!!!!

I know there are a Few on Wattpad, but I just don't know who all is

Missing out on Lore or don't have Twitter? That's Fine!

Cara has posted the Main Storyline of Lore on Webtoon still titled 'The SMG4-Fanartist Office' and you can get the Gist of this AU

Without Further Ado, My Lore contains Spoilers for the AU so if you haven't read it I highly recommended you do!

Anyways, Lets hop right into it!!


Lil Wholesome Lexie Lore!!Takes Place after Part 21 (Season 5 Episode 1)

People in this story:

@/JustCamila64@/YofroKid@/FoxyTeamAli2 (Mention)@/Zacktheverysus (Mention)@/MMoviealt (Mention)@/SussyKitty666 (Mention)

AU by: @/Not_Caramella on Twitter (Their Wattpad Account is Caramella314)


A Trio's (And More) Reunion

"And now, with the reveal of the new castle ins Smg4-Canon, I'm sure we're gonna have a lot more art to make" Luna had just gotten finished explaining to Lexie, A Fanfiction Office Writer, Know what's been going on upstairs in the Fan Artists Office for the past who knows how long? Lexie knew many workers upstairs, so it was suffice to say after hearing about the events, they were really worried

Lexie sighs in relief "That's Great!" They giggle "Just one more thing..." They point behind Luna "The Hole in the ceiling? People keep falling into the Writers office, and It's kind of worrying me..."

Luna smiles sheepishly "We're uh...Working on that." He looks at his Watch "But for now, It's back to work for me. I hope I've answered all your questions, Lexie, and helped ease any of your concerns"

"Actually...There is one more thing?" Lexie set their mug down on the counter "Would you mind if I came upstairs with you? I have a couple of close friends in that Office that...I'd like to check on if they're not too busy currently?"

Luna smiled at them "Sure! Since we're all recovering, I can't imagine they're doing any Major Projects for Gary, Come on" He gestures for her to follow and they both head out into the hallway "Who are these friends, If you don't mind me asking, Maybe I know them"

"Oh!" Lexie smiles "Their names are Cosmo and Yofro!"

Luna tilted his head at them

"Yofro a Red and Green Dragon" Lexie holds out their arms to act almost like wings before retracting them, bringing their hands to their head and pointing out two fingers "And Cosmo is an Alien with Bunny ears!" They giggle bringing their hands down, smiling sheepishly as they notice Luna still looking at them as they walked into the elevator, his confused look not leaving the Witch "S-Sorry...I've been stress Writing, being worried for them and everyone else up there and all...I guess I got a little Animated there..."

"It's not a problem" Luna chuckles, pressing the button to the FA Office and the doors closed, He hummed in thought "I can't say I know them, But they do sound hard to miss" He shrugs "I've probably seen them around before, Just can't say I've ever spoken to them..." He smiles as the Elevator Door opened on the FA Floor "I hope you find them though" He points in one direction as they both stepped out the elevator "Well, My cubicle is this way, I'll see you around Lexie" He waves, walking off

"Bye Luna! Thanks again!" Lexie waves and hums in thought "Now...Where were their cubicles?" They walked in the opposite direction, they walked for a bit before reaching a Cubicle they knew was Yofro's. They gasp and smile, going over to it "Yofro! Hey, I wanted to say- Huh?" They looked over the divider to see that Yofro wasn't there. "Huh...Where'd she go?" They turned around and continued to walk through the office, Lexie recognized many faces around the office as they've been up a couple times to take breaks with Cosmo and Yofro...But no sign of any of them. Until...

"Lexie?" A Dragon's head peeked out from behind a corner, She gasped and started flying, a big smile on her face "Lexie!"

"Yofro!" Lexie giggled, going over to her and pulling her into a hug "You're okay! I'm so happy!"

Yofro pulled away from the hug and landed "Ugh, you would believe the time we had up here! It was just horrible!"

Lexie smiled sheepishly "Oh...I think I can imagine..." They say quietly

"I'm just glad it's all over, I'm taking a nice long vacation"

"As you should! I can imagine it's been stressful..." Lexie's smile faded "H-Hey, Have you seen Cosmo? I've been worried about It along with everyone since this whole thing went down..."

"Oh! I was actually just about to meet with them, You can come with me!" Yofro starts walking and Lexie follows her. They approached a group of three people, their footsteps (And claw steps) Catching one of their attentions right away

"L-Lexie?" The bunny-eared Alien started to tear up and its ears pinned down as they ran over to the Witch "LEXIE!" They right away pulled Lexie into a hug and started crying "I-I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! G-GARY CAME BACK AND I TRIED TO ASK HIM ABOUT YOU AND THE WRITERS OFFICE, BECAUSE IF ANYONE WOULD KNOW IT'D BE HIM, RIGHT? AND HE SAID HE DIDN'T KNOW, WHICH MADE ME EVEN MORE WORRIED, AND-AND-"

"Cosmo, You're talking too fast" Lexie giggles hugging them

Cosmo giggled, wiping their eyes "That's what Gary said too..."

"Look, I'm fine, aren't I?" Lexie assures them "It was you guys I was worried about, you were all in the middle of whatever this was"

Cosmo pulled away from the hug a bit "We still haven't caught up with any of our Resistance's Traitors, I tried to go after Ishir...But Gary stopped me...We think they might be planning something"

"That Bootleg is gone, I doubt they'd try anything"

"So Cosmo?" A girl with light brown hair and pink highlights spoke up from behind Cosmo, she was next to someone with dark brown hair and a Clover hair pin "So you wanna introduce us to your Writer Friend, or are you just going to leave us hanging?" She giggles

"Oh! Right!" Cosmo fully pulls away and gestures to the two "Lexie, These are my Friends, Clover and Cami! Surely you might've seen them around before, right?"

"O-Oh..." Lexie rubs the back of their head, nervously "Y-Yeah...Probably? I-I was just probably too nervous to approach and speak to them..." They smile sheepishly

"You don't need to be afraid" Clover giggles "We're all friends here, and Cosmo was really worried about you, So you must be someone good to them and you must be a really nice person"

"They are!" Yofro smiles "And with everything at its end now...hopefully...I'm sure we can all be friends!"

Cami smiles "Cosmo says it loves your Fics, So I wouldn't mind becoming friends with you and reading them"

Cosmo gasps, a Big smile on their face "You should read their Charms and Hexes Project! It's one of my favorite ones of Lexie's! One of the Main Protagonists is a Wizard like them! And-!" Cosmo began to rant about that story as well as some other ones about Lexie. Cami, YoFro, and Clover began to chime in and tell Lexie about their AU and Character designs for their Arts as well

But Lexie spaced out...They sensed something off. Sure, everything was practically perfect in the FA Office now...But perhaps this was a transition period for someone to do something? Or something to happen? Lexie shook their head, no, that Bootleg thing was gone...So everything was fine...

"Oh right!" Cosmo realized "We also have friends named Foxy and Zach too! They just...aren't here..."

"Well, Foxy is probably working on her New AU she told us about" Clover recalls

Cami hums "And I think Zack might be off and about doing a Project for Gary..."

"D-Do any of you know about Nomadic?" Lexie speaks up

"Who...?" Cami tilts her head

"She's from my Office and arrived around the time the Bootleg4 and has been acting off since!" They explain

Clover sighs "With that information, I wouldn't be surprised if she sided with that Bootleg and is currently conspiring with Our Traitors..." She crossed her arms

"Th-There's no way..."

"What I'm sure Clover means is they're fine!" Yofro assures, smiling sheepishly

Cami smiles "How much longer do you have on your break? We'd be happy to show you some of the Projects Gary gave us!"

Clover smiles "And I'm sure you know with the New Castle, we have a lot of them!"

Cosmo giggled, gently pulling Lexie along as they walked "I put Smg4 into a Dress like the Princess he surely is"

Lexie laughs "Cosmo! No you didn't! And...I think I have time..."

Maybe Yofro was right and they themselves were right...Everything is okay now, and the Traitors can't do a thing anymore, the most they can do is probably mess up someones day like a bunch of stereotypical teenagers...Other than that, Everything was at Peace Now...

Everything...Was Perfect...

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now