Request 1 Part 5- The Final Part (Bad Ending/Canonical Ending)

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'What if Zero's usb took Smg4 instead of Axol during the second half of the genesis arc?'

Requested by


Zero stood much taller than the Castle....And they were all trapped together...What were they meant to do

"4..." Meggy and Luigi say in unison 

"Zero's strength is stronger than ever now!" 1 realized "I...Don't think we can stop him..."

Those were a series of words 3, Meggy, and Luigi did not want to hear in the same sentence

"Well we can't just sit here!" Saiko growls "We've got to do something!"

"Swag will save the day, lads!" Swag got up and started hopping closer to Zero "Stand back" He looks up at Zero "You are now banned from Xbox Live!"

Zero just flicked him back with his fingers with ease

"You stupid fu-" Chris was cut off from Swag being hit into him

"Ugh...I think I have plan-" 2 was cut off by Zero grabbing them and 1

"NOOO!" 3 calls out

1 and 2 were now in his grasp...he could now do what he planned back in their universe....He began to squeeze the two tightly causing them both to cry out in pain

Not after too long, a rock hit Zero in the head....and then a sofa hit him, causing him to drop 1 and 2. Back on the ground, 3 managed to get one of his hands free and use the Meme Energy that was heading into the new universe and transforming them into these things all on his own.

"Th-Thanks for saving us" 1 says, honestly, given who 3 was when they met...he didn't expect it

1 and 2 took each other hands and 2 spoke with a smile on their face "And now, it's our turn to help you!"

Elsewhere in the kingdom, they transmuted a pair of Eggman memes, they turned them into multiple rocks and a sofa and sent them all at Zero hard causing him to roar. The Eggman memes reformed and ended up running away. 1 and 2 were helping everyone get out of their chains 

"GET TO MARIO!" 2 points up, Mario's Crystal was already heading into the Portal "BREAK HIM OUT OF HIS CRYSTAL AND WE'LL HAVE A CHANCE AT BEATING ZERO!"

"And don't worry about us..." 1 looks back at everyone 

2 does the same "We have a lil score to settle"

They both jump up to the roof to be on the same level as Zero and fight everyone

"Alright everyone! To the Cannon!" 3 points

"Who died and made you leader!?" Saiko questions

"4 apparently!" 3 spoke quickly, not even realizing what he was saying in the moment "Now do we want to save Mario or not!?"

"Now that was a horrible thing to say..." Meggy mumbles

Saiko rolls her eyes "Whatever! Let's just go!"

Everyone ran to the cannon and went in, the cannon came up and fired them all towards the portal 

"We're coming for you Red..." Meggy says as they were heading into the portal 

"You and 4!" Luigi smiles at her

Meggy smiles back "That's right!" 

3 looked back down to see 1 and 2 fighting and Zero fighting back against them on the castle 

"Hang tight guys..." He says, more like mumbled, he just really wanted this all over and done with... "Don't forget guys, keep and eye out for Mario!" He told the group as they finally entered the portal

More of the Red-Yellow Meme energy appeared at the very end of the Portal

"Hey, What's that?" Boopkins questions

After he said that it turned into a Red, Yellow and Purple Portal and started to head towards Smg3. In a panic, Smg3 tried to move but couldn't get out of the way in time and was sucked into the portal

Smg3 fell out of a blue portal and looked around...He was back in the Kingdom?

"Where the heck-Huh?" Out of the corner of his eye He saw...Him... "MARIO!" He smiled, going over to him and pulling him into a hug...Mario didn't react to 3's sudden new and unusual gesture... He more just stood there like an NPC. Seeing him not react, 3 looked at him, his smile fading "Mario?" 3 pulled away from the hug

There was a thud, a Challenge Message had appeared

'Who can open a bag of chips?'

3 looked back at Mario "You're not the real Mario...Are you?"

"I only have one goal in life" The Mario spoke "I am going to kick your ass!"

The Mario struggled in so many extremely extreme ways just to open the bag of chips. Attempt after attempt and nothing was working...He sure acted like Mario, That's for sure...

3 looked at him confused before simply and easily opening his bag of chips

The Mario screamed before disappearing into dust. The Portal spit 3 out back to 4's Friends 

"Smg3!? Are you okay? What happened in there!?" Melony questions

"I think...Mario's Crystal is Challenging us..." 3 realized "We gotta beat these Portals to get to him!"

More portals start to open and everyone nods "RIGHT!"

Everyone went off into the different Portals and started their challenged


Smg3 vs Mario:  Who can beat Saiko in a Game of Guitar Hero

Saiko was playing her Guitar flawlessly as per usual, Getting the Top Score '2,000,000 Points'...But the challenge wasn't over yet 

Saiko looked over at 3 who flinched at her gaze. He could sing/rap, sure...But playing an instrument? That was WAY outside his comfort zone! 3 took a deep breath, looking to the Mario clone....No, He had to do this for him...For both him and 4...

3 stepped up on the stage and started playing as he had just seen Saiko do...Although he was missing a lot of the hits, after many misses, his hate for losing kicked in and he slammed the Guitar down. Hitting it with a hammer, Slamming it against the side of the stage, slamming it against the ground. The game ended and 3 panted, dropping the guitar on the ground "I..Had to of hit some there...How'd I do?"

the Score popped up on screen '-23655374325784368580 Points'


Saiko looked at the Mario Clone "How are you doing Mario?"

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now